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male Tapei, Taiwan
Architecture blog:
Blogging Architecture in worldwide information translation , comments , discussion & everything related to architecture : like Industrial Design , Sociology , Economy , Philosophy , Art....etc
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了: Urban Planning for the Future circa. 1925 來看看以前人對於未來的想像與今日的世界是何等地相似
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
Archfrontline更新了: Stratford Station Olympic Kiosk Competition proposal / LGT Office 回歸到以行為作原點的設計
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
Archfrontline更新了: julian king architect: holocaust memorial finalist 納粹屠殺紀念浮橋國際競圖的六人決選名單
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了兩篇新文章!分別是: snohetta 的 V&A at dundee 提案 與 c-water by chao gao – iida awards 2010 快到看看吧!
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了新文章! 是Daniel Libeskind的Denver Art Museum喔! 快到這裡來看吧!
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline也有微網誌喔~ 上面會有即時的更新資訊與通知! 快來加ArchFrontline好友喔~
ArchFrontline 正在
13 years ago
Archfrontline成立嚕! 我們為大家翻譯國外建築案例與資訊! 快來這裡看看最新的文章吧! https://archfrontline.wo...
ArchFrontline 正在
13 years ago
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
Archfrontline成立嚕! 我們為大家翻譯國外建築案例與資訊! 快來這裡看看最新的文章吧!