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The Butcher/Collins - Malevolent @ The Last Voyages

December commentary and stuff.
I'm having a moment of "what is the name of that one movie?" In which a girl switches places with her shadow self and enters a realm of paper and it's basically the world she drew on her wall. Anyone know the name of it?
Who (else) should I play from your canon? Or do I already and you just don't know about it yet. :3
Also character scars and markings.
Goals for tomorrow since I will not be going anywhere for Thanksgiving and the day is mine. (P.S. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING WITH ME, you're all awesome and I appreciate you all for sticking with me. )
[watching] Ok, I like Jeff Dunham comedy. It's been a while since I've seen his act and this new one is slaying it so far.
A silly little network post. Collins has graduated!
[Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance] Commentary. I decided to turn on this while I ate diner today and all I can think about is:
I'm at the dentist for the first time in...years. to put it mildly.
Oh, I made a mistake this morning. I put on the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack.