I'm having a moment of "what is the name of that one movie?" In which a girl switches places with her shadow self and enters a realm of paper and it's basically the world she drew on her wall. Anyone know the name of it?
latest #23
It's driving me nuts trying to think of it.
It's not Caroline, is it?
(I don't know a movie of that name. Coraline comes to mind. The stop animation one? But not that one.)
It's live action. Has great artistic direction though. Like, the masks are neat, the world is beautiful. Um. Hmm.
I can't even think of the character names, damn.
She's fighting with her mother... she gets there and it's interesting but she decides she wants to go home... her dark other self doesn't want to go back because she also doesn't like her mother (mirror world)..... MIRRORMASK??
HEY. I triggered the memory, whoo!
It's been a long time since I watched it.
3 months ago
3 months ago
the art is great
I am happy someone else recognizes it!
3 months ago
lol I came here to say Mirrormask
3 months ago
Mirrormask! Nice. :3 ...not that I would've remembered the name, either, but I'm glad you did!
lmao yeah it's been so long. and i was having such a blank moment. i'm surprised i got it but yay!
i'm glad so many people know of it, too!
3 months ago
it's sooo good and subtly creepy
yesss. thinking about it kinda makes me wanna watch it again. :3
i remember waaay back when I ran into someone that played characters from it! There was a Helena and a Valentine in some game. I can't remember the details. I just remember it being a thing
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