32Friends 64Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
Photographer, Entrepreneur, Technologist, Epicurian, [how do you say really busy?] :]
18percentgrey thinks
14 years ago 4
he should use this space to talk / mini blog about the book he's writing. mentions also he's trying to lay out CSS for pennedout.com =] ...
18percentgrey has
14 years ago
just noticed that previous to just a moment ago, the last time I plurked was Oct 3rd, 2008.
18percentgrey thinks
14 years ago 10
Plurk ! First time here in easily a year..
15 years ago 3
I am very happy right now.... :-D
15 years ago
/me is packing!
15 years ago
my goodbye party @ the dirty theives bar located @ 24th x Treat St [mission] come around 10pm and have a drink :-) I move Sunday !
18percentgrey has
15 years ago 1
SF residency until August 31st, then the big packing into truck and driving it part happens.
15 years ago
the internets are not working! Aaaah! How am i supposed to download movies and music now? Fail-whale@ wifi :-(
15 years ago
time for a 28 min NASA nap (google it), then onwards with the packing. T-Minus 9d 2 moving. Been listening to AlkalineTrio... :]
15 years ago
Headed out eventually to karaoke although i dont sing. Also hanging out with Alexandra. David & louise last 2d