18percentgrey thinks
15 years ago
Plurk ! First time here in easily a year..
latest #10
15 years ago
18percentgrey says
15 years ago
hello hello :-) How are you?
15 years ago
:-o HI!!!! (woot)
15 years ago
Still plurking. How have you been?!
18percentgrey says
15 years ago
germaine haiiiii you !
18percentgrey says
15 years ago
jiglenn I don't understand two things about plurk: lack of alternative UI / lack of alternative UI. :-) been up, down, left, right! etc
18percentgrey says
15 years ago
life's crazy and full of learning. heh brb a second ~ more coffee required
18percentgrey says
15 years ago
jiglenn how are you? germaine what's up these days?
15 years ago
things are pretty much the same... but been looking for a job since... ummmm...... FOREVER ;-)
15 years ago
Same old. Sketbook. Work. Looking for work. Happy to see you back.
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