Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago
[Warning: This post contains poop talk, whining and self pity]
Constipation sucks, the cure sucks worse.
latest #10
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago
The antibiotics my ENT gave me constipated me. It was uncomfortable but manageable. It made me want t o sleep alot. After I got the splints out of my nose I took a laxative to loosen things up.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago
It hit me yesterday. Hoo boy. I went from grumbly discomfort to painful cramps alternating with absolutely no energy and needing to sleep.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago
I slept from 3pm yesterday pretty much straight through to 6:30 this morning, awakened every half hour or so by painful cramps and the need to poo.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago
Oh, and did I mention the chills. I couldn't get warm enough before, but now I'm sweating and exhausted.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago
And when I did poo it didn't come out in one big lump as I'd hoped, but rather in little plops and squirts.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago
I took some pepto this morning in hopes of solidifying things a little. I still feel a bit fragile and weak.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago
This too shall pass.
My meds have this effect too. In order to counteract it and not have to take the “poop powder”, which is gross, I now eat a few handfuls of raisins every day. Smooth moving from then on.
Squeak =^..^=
1 years ago
Stereo Nacht
1 years ago
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