11 months ago
If you are a merchant, check your MP listings. Yesterday I had 640, today only 271 are left. Happened last month too.SecondLife
latest #38
11 months ago
There was a fix last month, opening each listing from inworld, editing and saving made the listing appear. This does not work anymore. Almost half of my listings are gone and I can do nothing.
OhCecilia: was this what you mentioned?
11 months ago
This happened to me too!!
11 months ago
Please file tickets and subscribe to the bug reports https://jira.secondlife.... At some point they have to stop ignoring us
Max Graf
11 months ago
over half of your listings are gone???
Max Graf
11 months ago
11 months ago
60 %... I am devastated.
Whiskey Neat
11 months ago
Jesus. I'm so sorry!
Gogo ♔
11 months ago
Attend the linden meetings
11 months ago
FroukjeHoorenbeek did you see this notice on your merchant home, they definitely DID something that could have triggered this: https://images.plurk.com/6WIU27SsBBE0ggQ2QsoQqr.png
11 months ago
I'm pretty sure I had about 100 listings and now I have 71.
11 months ago
Chatted and called them in hopes of escalating the fuck out of this. They are "looking into this"
Gogo ♔
11 months ago
from the notice, it says that they fixed it so its now displaying correct listing. so did you actually have that many or were some retired and now the # just corrected?
11 months ago
and just like that, they changed my ticket to resolved
11 months ago
I had 640 active listingsGogo ♔ [gogolita]There are now 271 listings left. The lost 60 percent of my store
11 months ago
I actually did have 640 listings. I know, because every day starts with me checking if they haven't made them disappear now. But, they did it again
Gogo ♔
11 months ago
i go to one user group meeting where ALL they talk about is marketplace... Sasypants isn't it the web user group one?
Gogo ♔
11 months ago
Sntax Linden is the one leading that, so he can probably help you
11 months ago
What am I going to do until then? Get a cleaning job?
11 months ago
They closed my ticket as resolved. Cause god forbid they would keep me informed
11 months ago
Open it back up again.
11 months ago
They don't give a shit, do they
11 months ago
starfiresilverstar: I didn't lose old listings, couldn't make new ones and then some DID pop up hours later. Nothing as bad as this though. I'm so sorry for those who are dealing with it.
11 months ago
That's insane. So sorry this happened to you.
Nylon Pinkney
11 months ago
is it possible they were inactive listings?
11 months ago
No. They where all active. Even the newest designs are gone. The shower, Clawfoot bathtub, iron bed, massage table. They made almost twothirds of my very active, well kept, new and old, good and less selling, general, mature and adult listings disappear. Really Plurk
11 months ago
And for the second time, though last month less listings and I could retrieve them myself with a day work
Free Star🌟💫🔥
11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
Was it the content (maturity level) I’m so sorry this happened. They need to fix it!
11 months ago
When this happened to me last month, there was NO commonality on what disappeared. It included an item that sells many per day (a free tester) and random skin tones of a skin and makeup that is popular and not so popular. I could not find any reason for the issue.
11 months ago
It’s a real bug, not some intentional change or listing problem.
11 months ago
Sorry this is happening to you, FroukjeHoorenbeek :-(
11 months ago
gogolita: yes Web User only monthly though, so the next one wont be until 7th September, but Sntax Linden did say to contact him about things FroukjeHoorenbeek that they wanted to know, do more tickets, get Caitlin doing some too, so that you may get different Lindens looking at it. I would also suggest going to tomorrows meeting that is Content Creators
11 months ago
Thank youalaska. [AlaskaMetro]! At last some recognition. Though they say "not visible in stores". The missing listings are not visible if you search for them either.
Ceejay Writer
11 months ago
I just checked, my 14 items are still there. I am SO SORRY you are going through this, Dutchie.
10 months ago
As of this morning, it seems all missing listings have been restored No notification from the Lindens, and who knows how long it will last. But still! All is right in Dutchie world for now!
10 months ago
Ceejay Writer
10 months ago
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