Caitlin Tobias
1 years ago
In other news. My dad's cancer is back, worse and more devastating. There is no treatment, so he is on palliative care. Oxycodon and Fentanyl. This can take months, weeks or days. We do not know.
latest #12
Oh lieverd. So sad to see this. Sending lots of hugs! If you’d like some distractions maybe we can meet up sometime soon. My heart is with you meisie.
1 years ago
I am so sorry. your family has had more than your share.
1 years ago
I'm so sorry, Cait. Sending you lots of love and hugs.
Caitlin Tobias
1 years ago
thanks guys. The hard part is..this bladder cancer is slow..very slow, it has reached the point where his bladder is obsolete ( he has a catheter). All this will not kill him, but it causes excruciating pain (hence the opiates). A surgery to remove his bladder is no option, his cardiologist is sure he would die during procedure. So, pain management is all
That’s a really hard position to be in. It was the same for Yak. I’m so very sorry lieverd.
Caitlin Tobias
1 years ago
Even though my Dad gave permission for this surgery, they will not do it - the chance of him not surviving this is 99%. Last weekend he had so much pain he took 2 puff of nasal spray Fentanyl, instead of one!, and overdosed himself, but survived.
Caitlin Tobias
1 years ago
he hates taking these opiates, but it's the only way to be painfree. I would not be surprised if he at some points overdoses on purpose. He feels this is going to be a suffering with no end. I can't even blame him. I am however suprised they allow him to have these drugs at home.....oh well.
Caitlin Tobias
1 years ago
His birthday is 28 december, he will turn 82. He is by now nothing like the strong, muscular, tough man he used to be. He is so frail, so skinny, so tired. It hurts my heart to see him like this.
1 years ago
I am so sorry. It is so hard to watch this disease destroy our hero’s. It destroyed my dad too. Got him in prayer.
1 years ago
So sorry. Ik denk aan je.
Caitlin Tobias
1 years ago
thanks guys, we are slowly trying to get used to the situation
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