3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Hi all. I debated on if I should post this or not, but since it never hurts to clap for yourself once in a while...here goes. https://images.plurk.com/46bhN8orfQaGwP4kVGgjjc.jpg 351 to 208 lbs I lost over 60 on my own and then had gastric sleeve surgery back in Aug 2020. It helped me to become very active and I'm working to be the healthiest, happiest version of myself! <3
latest #14
Sometimes Bacon
3 years ago
that's fantastic, congrats on all your hard work!
3 years ago
Baconpants: Thank you!! <3
3 years ago
It's always been my dream to be a waitress (who knows what is wrong with me, lol it was just always something I could never do at my previous weight) so while I'm off work for summer...I got a job waitressing at Applebee's for money to go towards my tummy tuck. It is SUCH hard work, but so far, I really like it! Burning a ton of calories, that's for sure lol
Sometimes Bacon
3 years ago
no i get it, i'm currently working at Bath & Body Works part time and my inner teenager is making happy sounds LOL sometimes its good to indulge in these little dreams and I'm happy you got your dream job!
3 years ago
The "after picture" is my work outfit. A large men's polo (the one in the before picture is a very stretched out 3X men's shirt) and size 16 pants. Goal is to be a 10/12.
3 years ago
Baconpants: Awwww, that is lovely! I am glad you are there!! It is important to have goals and dreams, doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of them hehe
3 years ago
Sandy Q
3 years ago
You look amazing.
3 years ago
Congrats on the progress your'e making on your goals!
3 years ago
CajsaLilliehook: Giddyfan: LettePonnier: Thank you all so much!! <3
Estella Magic
3 years ago
still can't believe your amazing transformation! congrats 😁
3 years ago
estellamagic: Thank you Darlin'! I appreciate all of your support! <3
3 years ago
Absolutely SPECTACULAR!!!!!
3 years ago
IncognitoXaris: Thank you so much!! <3
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