3 years ago
Lil Marsie progress pictures! love him so so so much!
latest #10
3 years ago
I am astounded at how much his face has changed in 3 months :-o
3 years ago
Still has to grow into his ears!
Tillor Swift
3 years ago
so handsome
Tillor Swift
3 years ago
I feel like something in the eyes always stays no matter how much they grow. Every cat has a certain "look"
3 years ago
My cat grew amazingly between those ages, but, given the breed of yours, I think he’ll keep growing for a bit. He’s a gorgeous boy!
Izzie Bizzie
3 years ago
awww he is beautiful!
Asia Ristow
3 years ago
He’s getting so big. What a cutie!
3 years ago
Those ears!!! So cute
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