Asia Ristow
91Friends 7Fans
female Second life
Second Life resident for 14+ years.

Owner of Regeneration, a blog all about avatar creation and customization.
Regeneration | Making A New You
Don’t hesitate to friend me. The more the merrier!

Asia Ristow
3 years ago 5
Friends on Flickr: How do you handle old content?

I’m nowhere near the image cap, but a lot of my older stuff just isn’t of the quality that my new stuff is (and there’s so much more of it). A lot of it was for fashion blog post promos which I don’t really do anymore either. I’m torn between having a gallery that shows my growth vs one I’m more proud of.
Asia Ristow
3 years ago
Found a cute Oracul AO and decided to make a little anime kitsune girl to match it. I hadn’t explored anime sims in at least ten years but oh my goodness it’s totally different from the other places I frequent. I love how diverse places are. Not just the look but the atmosphere, the personalities. It’s so much fun. 💕 Ahhh I love SL.
Asia Ristow
3 years ago
I really, really suck at sleeping. I have sleep meds just no self discipline. Why yes I’ll stay up until 8am playing with new avi looks. Why not? Auuuugh I do this to myself lol.
Asia Ristow
4 years ago 6
For those interested in SL’s 2020, an article from Quartz. I know I had shared the interviewers information, maybe some of you are in it too 💕 As Covid-19 destroyed real economies, Second Life’s ...
Asia Ristow
4 years ago 4
2nd dose of the covid vaccine is complete! Got it a few days ago but figured I’d wait to post until I knew what the side effects were like. Same as my first dose: sore arm, some chills, and fatigue. Not a huge deal at all. Plus some of the fatigue maaaaaay have been from insomnia issues.
Asia Ristow
4 years ago 1 @Edit 4 years ago
Attn SL Business Owners: I just got off the phone with a reporter for Quartz. They were interested in the economics of SL through 2020. They expressed interest in hearing from business owners and others who may be able to share their experiences. Link and more info in the comments.
Asia Ristow
4 years ago
I mean... I find myself hilarious. It’s been in my head all day. I had to make an SL photo to honor the nostalgia. And now you all get to suffer too 😹 HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA
Asia Ristow
4 years ago 2
I realize I totally suck at updating my own plurk statuses. I love seeing how y’all are doing and chatting and seeing what’s up, I just feel like I’m not doing anything interesting enough to post about lol.
Asia Ristow
4 years ago 2
Snagged some mainland near other SL Redditors. Holy cow I’m enjoying my little community setup there more than my linden home. Tempted to abandon the home and just snag another section of land there...
Asia Ristow
4 years ago 2
So who else is playing cyberpunk? I wanna see your V!