Inspired by Drama Drama Duck.
This is Kaja and I'm starting up this game. The reason why when there's already another DDD inspired game is I have a difference in philosophy to that game.
Like, I wish D3 the best, but my intention is to make an OC, AU, CRAU friendly game.
That will be fairly relaxed.
To be more specific, AC will consider of linking something you did that month, apps won't be super restrictive, and a wide variety of characters will be allowed.
The basic premise of the RP is that many people gain access to a site connected to other worlds. Hijinks ensue. Characters will still be in their homeworlds, so this is the opposite of a jamjar.
Not only that, but with the permission of other players, you can even visit their world given the means to do so (and I intend to make such means easy to create and spread).
Fun canon divergences are likely but not mandatory.
Death will be handled however you want--your character can meet whatever fate would be canonical for them, or an error can send them to the wrong afterlife, either that of another player character's canon (with their permission) or an original afterlife created specifically for this game. And you can totally bribe your way out of that custom afterlife.
(Death is optional, of course.)
as someone who plays exclusively OCs lmao
Any deaths caused by game events (hiccups) will only stick as long as the event lasts and you'll be back with no explanation once the event ends.
Different events may have custom rules for that and other things.
I love this premise and am spreading the joy, as discussed elsewhere.
Basically I'll be handling apps by having everyone, OCs and canon characters and AUs and CRAUs alike, outline events that happened in their character's past and will happen in the future unless something changes. Just to give a basis for everyone to work from.
There'll also be a small personality section just to give a general idea of your character's starting point (since characters already change with the things they experience in other games, let alone what would happen if canon events turned out differently).
And a world section to give people who worldhop into your world an idea of what they're in for.
Well I do need a possible second game... for the OCS.
And likewise a powers section to give an idea of what we're in for.
And of course a sample part.
I don't plan for it to be a very difficult app, since this is intended to be a fun and relaxed game.
I really like the sound of all this
That doesn't mean serious stuff can't or won't happen in the game, mind!
Since some characters' settings have very serious stuff happening.
I'm reminded of when ddd's ace attorney cast sat out a virus
But the events will be primarily light-hearted. Viruses from the old Drama Drama Duck are an example of what I'm talking about.
Stuff like everyone thinking they're an actor for their own character and so on.
I'm strongly interested in this
I am going to app Hades!Hades just so he can get so goddamn annoyed at all of these idiots finding their way to his afterlife instead of their perfectly functional ones
because it looked fun, but it was incredibly silly, and they were coming up on one of the very serious business cases
well, guess i'm apping Osomatsu here instead now
gonna app accord and have her troll post at folks
part of me wants to app emet-selch solely for 'if we're going to have a hades cast,'
might go full nostalgia and throw in my favorite precure from my favorite season
andy it's funny you say that bc i'm thinking of anika
(surprise! that's not the same character it was for ddd!)
purely bc i want her to make friends with other magical girls
/glances nervously at Dracula...
I feel like that's a line that looks very different in basically any other context
i mean i'm bringing hypnos so
if we're going to have a hades cast,
oh lmao mini was that your hypnos i was bullying
this is not the usual reason that dracula makes people nervous!
oh good i feel better knowing i wasn't annoying some poor rando
i've annoyed you for years!
and i'll never get tired of it <3
also a++ name choice for the game
I love sad dadcula but the idea of him having access to a multiverse internet excites me and frightens me in equal parts.
Yeah, I did a brainstorming plurk on my plurk to come up with the name.
Thanks to the folks who helped me think of it!
are there any navigation pages or such to look at up yet? :0
This seems a lot more fun for me!
This is up there for my three R!63 kids! (AMC Preacher, MCU via 1940s and Pac Rim)
I think I need a break still after Synodiporia ends, but I'm keeping this bookmarked for doing stuff with my tabletop OC
I haven't set up the navigation pages yet and honestly I could use assistance, as well as co-mods (I have at least one volunteer from my own plurk timeline already).
As stated there, I would be very interested in helping out of course!
give me like. two colors you want to use and i can whip up a nav code
ngl I miss the vintage-style sandboxy games
I am very much here for this, hmmmmmmm!!!!!
I might finally be able to play Waluigi somewhere where he fits perfectly, hahaha!
Oh my gods Waluigi would be perfect(ly awful) for this game
I've been trying to find a game for him for like, 6 months now and this might finally be it! are the most powerful person i know
I never joined that DDD but so far this game seems to cover the aspects that appealed to me without the ones that didn't
i can also add an image header/text header
Oh, nice, but the black makes it look a little dark for the mood I'm going for.
therealbliss: akjfhkjafha Oh my God, I'm blushing over here, pls!
Maybe try lavendar instead of black?
I liek
...I might want to bring some satellites to this.
which one i'm thinkin juice
I'd SUPER need to canon review but...
superorbital: I should get Tari some icons if that's the case...
Perfect timing for satellites, considering
That sounds like a lot of fun!
Oh shit other 17776 players
Are you all excited for college football?
also fuck the universe really is conspiring to make me make a third Orpheus journal for Hades Orpheus isn't it
this was actually prompted by me reading 20020 thinking "man i'd want to put 10 somewhere but where" and remembering this game was happening
I was one of the ones who was excited for the d3 game, but /waves hands, not now, but this looks much more fun
zerimarclassics: lmao check it out a game inspired by our old stomping grounds!
Since this one's OC friendly I'n a LOT more tempted thanby d3
do you plan on allowing doubles?
I'm gonna say that doubles will be allowed, but you will have to get the existing player's permission first.
This is intended to be a game for fun hijinks, and I can see where having two of the same person could lend itself to it. But I also can see why some people might not want to deal with that.
Really, that'll be one of the rules of the game: ask people before doing something that would affect their character like that.
Tossing this out here, but I remember another open lid game that basically addressed this by using a "dupes" clause. That is, players could state if they were comfortable with double characters interacting with them or not. People could still MAKE duplicates, but there was pretty much a gentleman's agreement on if it was okay to interact.
Anyways, that was one way the problem was addressed.
A question on behalf of the Final Fantasy 14 playerbase: Will you be allowing multiple Warriors of Light?
Oh, absolutely. The impact of that's very different than having two Edwards.
Given that two given WoLs can look and act very differently.
Woo! I look forward to having a 'if you're the WoL/D and I'm the WoL/D, then who's driving the carriage?' moment
(the answer to that question is Alphinaud)
I thought Thancred was the DD
aww, this sounds like a lot of fun
i do not trust thancred with so much as a pet rock depending on expac
I'm Thancred trash and Nao's got the right of it.
To be fair, I never said he was any good at it.
Please don't leave Alphinaud in charge, the poor boy will have to wrangle all of them together and that's just as bad as him wrangling Alisaie
(which means he won't be able to LAUGHS)
thanks i didn’t need to be reminded of the badger badger video
Yes, it is in reference to that video.
Tataru's totes the designated driver
god-frickin-damnit. you guys. don't make me bring Ardbert here. T_T
he will need a place to disapprove of all of you being shenanigans
I want cross universe wol shenanigans so badly.
he's going to be so tired at y'alls
Look at least Alphinaud has some responsibility
Half of the wols are probably there with him. the other are probably in the middle of a truth or what dumb thing can we do next
/raises hand My girl is absolutely in the "don't fucking lick the rock take it out of your mouth wHAT DID I JUST SAY-"
She has one whole braincell on a good day
mine is, shall we say, not the sharpest hammer in the bunch
My elezen is basically a drg-gone-drk and she is sad forever but also a fucking gremlin
I love elezen and actually very similar for what I did with my auri! drg went tank to protect friends or something stupid
she tired of people
no thoughts head empty only know blacksmith and smash
oh neat my orc boi would fit well here, he's a Soft
so this is the kind of situation where Zenos could hop in and experience considerable joy at the prospect of Many WoLs, isn't it?
'joy' here meaning 'bottoming to a light party of WoLs beating the shit out of him'
/not sarcastic, it's zenos
joy can be found in many things!
I'd say someone save Zenos but it's Zenos he's probably fine
he's more like a boar-man than any of the more traditional orcs
tbh it would be funny if we had a light party's worth
Zenos seeing Many WoLs and being up on his internet lingo: "This sparks Joy."
A light party's worth, but they all have multiple classes so they argue over who's in what role that day
But does anyone fight to be healer or is that last pick?
mine's a dps main and tank on the side, it's out of her hands
I've made the joke that mine can't magic well because why magic when you can smash so
scintilla can't magic well because one braincell
me, i like rdm but that's noncanon
yeah. I'm like classes are fun but all my idiot is good for is stabbing and being stabbed.
but if the Thaumaturge's guild has taught us anything, is that you can still be a total dumbass and blow things up with magic!
a highly concerning lesson we were taught
which post-game digital clone pokemon trainer do i want to bring tho
I might end up putting in Yuu but idk.
Allowing doubles means more than one Ardbert which I am good with if I decide to app asodpfu
I've been working on the rules and FAQ posts, but it's getting late so I'll finish up and post them tomorrow. And hopefully a test drive soon too.
A game Discord will also be created.
Basically the assorted tasks associated with starting up a game.
the more relaxed ac is a big draw for me too, so i'll be checking this out once the test drive goes live
...Oh damnit My toku folks are starting to wake up upon reading this XD
Now if only ljlogin could actually work for me...
I... have this silly idea of how funny it would be to have some normal person from a TV sitcom connected to the site and just. continually is blown away by the shit that goes on in every other world but theirs
I am highly tempted by the game. Esp if it allows fanAUs
Same. Need a couple more months, but maybe I could also bring Cor here not long after it opens...
(mostly thinking of like, someone from The Office, because at least they have practice looking into the camera...
did someone say toku
I've just posted the rules and FAQ for feedback. Will try to get a test drive up today
looks great, all of it, to me! It all makes sense from my POV
also, appreciate the clarification for needed written descriptions of canonical events in one's posts; will keep that in mind!
atrypical: yep! Considering dusting off Natsumi from Decade for the TDM
since her series is perfect for this stuff :3
👀 this interests me so much