106Friends 21Fans
male slightly somewhere, TN, United States
Hi I'm Mordrid and I snail, oops
Mordrid's Place of Things
the Ring-Spirit // in Lum
the Ring-Spirit
6 months ago 17 @Edit 6 months ago
[intro] new intro time! I'm Mordrid, and I primarily play the Ring-Spirit from the og YuGiOh manga. (y'all might also know him as "Yami Bakura")
just whining, ignore
found Akefia in a fic in tyool 2025
tries to Do Things
can't focus
tries to Sleep instead
doesn't, just kinda lies there for a few hours
notes for myself...
I know it's my turn in at least one group thread, but the weather's acting up here, so... anyway, if it doesn't settle enough for me to get to tags, tis the storm this time :T
I will attempt tags tomornight. I caught something and am just "bluh" rn. sleeping mostly.
1 weeks ago 2 @Edit 1 weeks ago
I am being slow af, apologies
I was last night, but I erroneously assumed I'd be better about it today -_-
what I've been doing instead of literally anything continues to just be sleeping.
there is almost always one singular fruit fly near my computer... where do they come from.
if I was a boss battle, what loot would I drop? :0
2 weeks ago 3 @Edit 2 weeks ago
[tes] decades late to the conversation and apropos of nothing: I am still mad they turned Cyrodiil into grassland for Oblivion, when in-game lore had always called it a jungle provence. they made it so Generic Western Fantasyland instead. >:|