Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Hello Plurkers, did you go shopping on Black Friday? What did you buy?
Speaking of shopping days, Singles’ Day instead of Black Friday is getting more and more popular these years in Taiwan.

What is your most popular shopping day in your country? Please share with us.
latest #100
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Our most popular shopping day is currently... all online shopping super discount days on the calendar (haha) We still have not adapted Black Friday, but we have Singles' Day in the local platforms, but we also participate if we have access to the platforms that have Black Friday. My friends were tempted, hard, by Steam's Black Friday, but I was safe. (haha)
No I didn't buy anything
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: Why do you have so many discounts recently? Is it because that the end of year is coming?
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
OoHEECHULoO: Me either. I don't know why, but I feel a little sad.
Es teh panas
5 years ago
yes. Digital copy of Assassin's Creed series (yay)
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: Oh, we have sales all around the year, but end of the year discounts are crazier than ever. Next, we will have 12.12 sale, not to mention the beginning of next year. We just love to shop, our country is truly the country of consumers (haha)
Es teh panas
5 years ago
5 years ago
I didnt shop at the black friday, but I did shop on the Singles Day. I bought a lipbalm and one bottle of sunscreen (haha)
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
Hachiretsu: Yeah, but you bought something big without any discount.
5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: please do not remind me of it
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
Hachiretsu: You will remember it when it enters the country anyway.
Don't be sad
Es Kacang Merah
5 years ago
steam sale.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
necro: WOW did you buy it on Amazon? do you enjoy it?
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
Hachiretsu: lumienarchanayuki: Can I know what's something big?(p-blush)
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
OoHEECHULoO: Yeah, I shouldn't! Thank you!
Es teh panas
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: I bought it from Uplay platform, crazy discount with additional 20% by exchanging Uplay point. I DO enjoy it
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
ivanpito: Do you want to recommend me some games on Steam? I'm still playing Stardew Valley.
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: It's an expensive (and literally big) reference book from Japan. Hachiretsu was planning on putting it in the wishlist until there is discount, but she accidentally checked it out.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
necro: Actually I want to try playing Assassin's Creed for a long time. Your recommendation makes me want more.
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: Don't play Assassin's Creed, you will be extremely invested in it (haha)
Es teh panas
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: go for it, especially the AC II series. It has pretty deep story about young assassin become a master assassin.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: What a sad story. However, I envy that she can understand Japanese. (p-rock)
Es Kacang Merah
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: I bought old games from 2000ish for nostalgia. Plant vs Zombie, Virtual Villagers, Alien Shooters, etc etc.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: Well, there are so many games of Assassins' creed that I don't know how to start...Maybe this is also a good thing.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
necro: Can I start from ACII and skip AC I?
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
ivanpito: I love the original Plant vs Zombie a lot!!
I'm so sad that the new games of Plant vs Zombie are not as fun as the original one.
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
plurkenjoy: Well, you can always start with Assassin's Creed, the one that started it all, or Assassin's Creed II series, which is still the best in my opinion and Ivan seems to recommend it there. Just... you could be really obsessed with it because it's so good. (haha)
5 years ago
I bought 2 books (Indonesian language edition) of the teachings of Chan Master Sheng Yen of Dharma Drum Mountain.
Es teh panas
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: Yes. You can still follow the story because each major series have different protagonist and from different era.
5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: i want pats on the back. give me pats on the back
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
Hachiretsu: I'll give you one when we meet
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
kokosdera: Are you religious? or are you interested in buddhism? These books are always too hard for me to read.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: necro: Thank you for the recommendation! If you don't see me plurk here, you know what I am busy doing.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
ShoppingSpout_fr: Sounds nice!
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
plurkenjoy: We will ask you again next time you come around if you have or have not fallen into the abyss of AC.
Juliana Travis says
5 years ago
Thanksgiving Day in US
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
JulianaTravis: Are you sure it is not Black Friday the most popular shopping day in the States?
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: I am not religious. I learn Buddhism and yoga so I can bluff to the girls.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: Sure! Then if I fell, I would tell you what I see in the abyss.(p-laugh)
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
kokosdera: Well, ok, you are honest, and I think practicing yoga is a good hobby.
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: Sure thing, I am totally down for the tale of the abyss (haha)
Juliana Travis says
5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: Black Friday, Too!
5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: have you read any AC novel?
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
kokosdera: I have. At least up to the Revelations. I have the Black Flag novel, but I haven't read it. That was when I stopped reading translated novel, I think (haha)
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: they are actually "easy" hobbies. ppl considers you are good at it when you can sit still for a long time.
5 years ago
lumienarchanayuki: translated? into Bahasa? I didn't know there is translation edition. (LOL)
Freyja 金 says
5 years ago
kokosdera: Yes. In fact every AC novels have been translated into Bahasa. I was in middle school when I first purchased the book. I even emailed the publisher for putting Altair's picture on the Assassin's Creed II book cover. (haha)
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
kokosdera: That's true. I still think so.(eyeroll) However I don't think they are that easy, I still hate the pain whenever I do yoga.
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: be glad you still have pain to limit your body. some flexible people overextend their body into dangerous level that can cause injury.

pain due to stretching is good, keep practicing. pain due to contraction (like two bones pressed and you feel.pain), stop it or don't go any deeper at the pose.
is singles' day much more popular in Taiwan? most of my friends said black friday has more discount and nice goods
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
kokosdera: Thank you! I really think that you are good at yoga!
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
lilinvetiver: Oh really! Let me change the description. I googled some information which implies more deals were made on singles' day. However, there are no specific data for Taiwan, so it's hard to say.
BTW, I believed that we can have more discounts for western brands.
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: I gave you a glimpse of my bluffing routines at yoga
alexrivera says
5 years ago
I bought clothes for a trip. It was the first time I shopped on Black Friday and it was better than expected.
oh? i mean i am not familiar with these discounts but i won't be surprised if that is true as single day and black friday is originally from the west?
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
kokosdera: Totally got it. You are amazing!
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
alexrivera: That's awesome! I'm happy for you!
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
lilinvetiver: sorry I didn't express myself clearly enough. "BTW, I believed that we can have more discounts for western brands on Black Friday."
The reason is, like you said, Black Friday is from the west(USA?).
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: anw, wish you better yoga practices. stretching vs. contraction for pain is true, i hope you could use that info for future practices.
5 years ago
oh, i forgot, my other black friday shopping: Tshirts from Design By Human
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
kokosdera: Thank you!
Did you get some marvel t-shirts from Design By Human? I like the design.
5 years ago
marvel t-shirt, not this black Friday. but a few months ago, another plurker ask me to order it: Miles Symbol T Shirt By Marvel Design By Humans
workwithmir says
5 years ago
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
wescoorg: A shopping day. Lots of brands would give buyers greater discounts!
ClipCafe says
5 years ago
Luckily in Estonia it's not that crazy as in USA. Also we dont have real discounts, its more like this:
addybug says
5 years ago
addybug says
5 years ago
addybug says
5 years ago
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago
ClipCafe: great metaphor!
addybug says
5 years ago
plurkenjoy: thank you and what do you mean
addybug says
5 years ago
podang143 says
5 years ago
podang143 says
5 years ago
Amrita Saxena says
5 years ago
Nice cutiee
wagnerkyut says
5 years ago
af6075651 says
4 years ago
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