Plurk EnJoy
1Friends 400000Fans
Taipei, Taiwan
Hi, I'm PLURK EnJoy. You can also call me Plurk mini-office manager.
This is a PLURK Official Chanel for fun and buy.
Don't hesitate to send a private message when you have questions.
Enjoy PLURK!
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 2 @Edit 4 years ago
Hello Plurkers all around the world, this is plurk office assistant, nice to meet you!
I plurk new plurks every week. Please feel free to leave your comment if you’re interested in the topic.
From time to time, I would share Plurk’s information such as new plurk function, plurk office manga, plurk products.
Plurk EnJoy
3 years ago 193
@plurken - [New Feature] Emoticon Pack Do you like e...Hi Plurkers, we have a new feature - Emoticon Pack!
I already download some packs
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 168
ಠ_ಠ - #噗友自繪Hello plurkers, do you like sushi? Let's have some sushi emoticons!
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 114
@plurkart - 對不起
#sailormoonredraw feat. kekebunny
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 62
@plurkenjoy - Hello, plurkers, have you ever felt th...[Cute Emoticons] [Part 2]
Your cute emoticons are served!
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 54
@plurkart - 低價收購
“We sell one Meaty for 2 Plurk coins!”
“Plurk coins!”
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 26 @Edit 4 years ago
@plurkart - 努力提高自己身價。
Meaty wants to increase its value.
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 44 @Edit 4 years ago
@plurkart - 新來的鄰居沒有頭而且不說話
“This new neighbor doesn’t have a head and never speaks.”
Hello plurkers, do you plurkers want Meaty to be your new neighbor?
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 63 @Edit 4 years ago
Hello plurkers, do you like our small event on April Fools’ Day? Did any of you get tricked?
BTW Scheduled Posting is a REAL new function
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 241
Hello, plurkers, have you ever felt that you want more cute emoticons but don’t know where to find?
I'm going to share you some today!
Plurk EnJoy
4 years ago 73
Spring has come to Plurk!