Plurk EN
4 years ago
Effective today, new users can not post anonymous plurks until 30 days after signup.

New regulations about anonymous plurks:
To post anonymous plurks:
You need to have 5 friends AND email confirmed AND signup for 30 days.
Only plurker's friends can respond
latest #71
Plurk EN
4 years ago
- At most 5 anonymous plurks can be posted per day. Premium users can post up to 10.
- To view on your timeline: 5 friends
- Everyone can adjust to filter anonymous plurks in timeline settings.
- Users with public timeline can also publish anonymous plurks to the public anonymous timeline on frontpage.
Freyja 金 says
4 years ago
Whoa, noice~ Imma get ready to get added by new users as I am leaving this comment here.
4 years ago
still waiting for the day when we can have civilized discussions on anon plurks
Snowy Stella
4 years ago
Ooh! Glad to see these updates! How's everyone doin'?
Freyja 金 says
4 years ago
fzrmc: Is that even possible?
fzrmc: bukannya yang kemaren ada ya? jarang sih emang 1-2 aja
4 years ago
4 years ago says
4 years ago
sounds great
Wang Ja
4 years ago
Is that why my Plurk web app went funny? Can't even see my plurks. lol
4 years ago
thank you for all your hard work!!
lucy_haha: me neither! i didn't get notif of my friends comment on my own plurk
Good news
4 years ago
Freyja 金 says
4 years ago
Rollerskatesandpocketbla...: Oh, you'll get used to it eventually. Everyone needs a considerate amount of time to be comfortable with everything. (haha)
4 years ago
I have no patience for anon Plurk. (nottalking)
4 years ago
The 30-day moratorium for new users is sensible, at least.
RX78 feels
4 years ago
GJ , thank you !
Mark (CG)
4 years ago
See, what it needs is an option for you to reveal yourself in the discussion so arguments discussions can go into new directions
4 years ago
there should be options to choose: only the thread starter is anonymous / only the commenters / both
4 years ago
do0dzky: di kaya ito ang reason why wala kang anon posts??
chaosghost: if only there's an option to like your comment many times
4 years ago
4 years ago
plurken ^the above user really needs removal.
cristn9092 says
4 years ago
RX78 feels
4 years ago
4 years ago
浅倉 八幡
4 years ago
alarabysite says
4 years ago
awesome post ;-)
search4y says
4 years ago
3 years ago
so good
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