Hello Plurkers, have you ever gone scuba diving? I am considering to have my first try in November in Green Island, a island near Taiwan. Don’t know how it feels like and whether it will worth it or not. (Of course Meaty can’t go with me)
Although this plurk is in Chinese, I can briefly translate it. The comic part is talking about the heroine met a foreigner on the train when she was going to Green Island and they talked about lots of Taiwanese foods.
She had some difficulties wearing gears and suits for scuba diving because she had not gone scuba diving for a year. Finally, she went underseas and saw beautiful view.
The sea horse shaped thing in the first pic is a postbox. It said that this is the deepest postbox worldwide……I just don’t know how to send a post card there…
i have been scuba diving, it was really, really fun!! it feels like flying after a while. you forget that technically you shouldn't be able to breathe and you just relax