Have you ever folded a paper box? I had my first try yesterday, and I found that folding a perfect paper box is super difficult. Meaty also struggled to help me but...at least it tried its best.
I fold the paper box for putting coasters (the latest Plurk product) in and then send to every buyers. I now hope that buyers won’t put too much attention on the paper box but the coasters…
I did a lot of paper box folding when I was a kid because my mum used to do food catering. I still do it from time to time and it's easy for me because I have nimble hands. I hope you're not pushing yourself too hard! I'm sure the buyers will focus on the coasters!
lumienarchanayuki: Oh... I guess your mom can cook delicious foods and you are a really great kid who are willing to help your mom. Thank you for your comfort. I feel better. I hope that I saw this earlier. Folding paper box and sending packages took most of my time for these days.
plurkenjoy: Oh, yes, mum's a great cook! Well, as a kid, helping your parents is the least you can do for them. Aww, I hope you and Meaty take a rest from time to time! I can only imagine how tiring folding all those boxes and sending packages.
lumienarchanayuki: What a fast reply! Yes, and it's also lonely. Only Meaty and I (Actually, Meaty is not helping) are dealing these things. However, it will all deserve it if buyers feel happy to receive coasters!
plurkenjoy: Aww, I'm sure I'm sure all the buyers will be very happy to receive the coasters (pretty sure they will cherish the box, too, if they are like me, I love folded boxes). ! Hard work pays off!