6 years ago
So my dog got his entire tail amputated today
latest #12
Oh nooooos! Poor Riley. I saw that on FB and I was hoping they could just take the cyst out.
6 years ago
starfiresilverstar: Me too! Then it became a tumor then it needed to be biopsied then it was so big they couldn't get it without taking his tail. All this while I was at work with therapy clients. At least I didn't cry at work. Some of you guys saw the pics on my FB and Insta. They took off the entire tail.
6 years ago
He is too loaded to tell right now, but will this affect his balance?
I hope not!
6 years ago
Awww sorry about your fur baby. Hope he heals fast!
animals adapt so much easier than humans. I'm sure he will hardly notice.
I hope he has a speedy recovery!
6 years ago
LailaLaP: Thank you! He is a sweetheart
6 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: I think you are right. One of my friends said he might be looking for it but nothing so far. Of course he is on ALL THE MEDS lol
6 years ago
He'll probably miss it most at night, curling up to sleep.
isle says
6 years ago
I think he'll just be so happy to get rid of that cone that he won't even realize the tail is much different lol. He'll still wag! It will be amazingly cute though, little stumpie. <3
You’ll have less damage in the house due to wild tail that’s for sure.
Dogs adapt better than humans. I remember how Angel adapted to her bad hips. She used to climb the stairs by hopping up with both back legs moving at once. She was my bunny dog! LOL
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