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female Michigan, United States

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Owner & Creator of Somnia
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We have been struggling to get Riley to eat. we've tried all sorts of foods. Mr. Paw accidentally got water in the kibble bowl and Riley ate that and had been eating wet kibble pretty well for about 1 1/2 days. until today today he did not eat well today.
Oh my oh my look what the cat dragged in DancienGraves
Riley went to the groomers today and they gave him the best Mohawk. https://images.plurk.com/48sfgl42gV3HoWY0RcDqsm.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6hpKv0G3kdDxDj7GsWJcwJ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4rdLYH3mLVuFQgIc2mIIoF.jpg
IDK about Riley he seems spunky and happy but sometimes when he is laying down he is whimpering like he is uncomfortable.
Yesterday we took Riley to the vets. They put him on a cough suppressant and it seems to be helping.
Starting last night Riley has started to cough quite a bit and it is different than his normal cough. He has an appt tomorrow so hopefully they can help with his cough a bit.
Found out more about my nephew and it is a really sad story. He was supposed to go to rehab today. he was diabetic as well as an alcoholic. not a good combo.
Just got the news that my cousin died today. No answers why. he is maybe 33. I'm in shock.
I still can't believe Riley has cancer. He doesn't act sick at all. maybe he's slowed down a little bit but he is 15 and has a bad ticker.
Riley went in for his dental cleaning with extractions planned today. Because of his heart they did a chest xray and his heart is looking really good but there is a mass in his lungs. Good chance it is cancer. He now needs a CT to tell for sure.