ToS Moderators
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
latest #92
ToS Moderators
5 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving, bitches
ToS Moderators
5 years ago
Please share, replurk, and comment on this post, so it reaches everyone who might want to see it
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago
Luke Skywanker
5 years ago
oh my gawd
Luke Skywanker
5 years ago
who did I even play here lol
5 years ago
Spike, Tony, Sam, and Luke
Luke Skywanker
5 years ago
well shit
5 years ago
Not all at the same time
holy shit
ThriceWiddershins: i guess some Jedi should show up. Obi-Wan. His apprentice Zoey.
Oh hell yeah. And his not!girlfriend Siri.
5 years ago
That is the skeeziest Jedi I have ever seen
right in time. Lydia’s been wanting to perk up lately anyway
sugarplum fairy
5 years ago
Wizera: Any NPCs you want me to play?
5 years ago
I'm not doing any, but if anyone wants some from you, they can talk to you
comatosebutterfly: momochka Lydia should come back to CoS and see all the trouble Erik has caused.
magicom I need a refresher on what trouble this is.
she should ‘^’
she should cause more herself also
5 years ago
lilbeejack: When Erik got demagistrated it fucked up his head for a bit and he's probably not as better as he thinks but he has, in the
Intervening time, decided a good way to give the Chosen a good life in the City was to take the Heart hostage until it agreed to let people choose whether they stay or leave.
And also to let the Chosen choose punishments for people who do bad things like break into the Tower.
5 years ago
This is why we can't have nice things
So he got a bunch of people together and they broke into the Tower and got their asses handed to them and now the City is in deep freeze.
And power is going out and supplies will soon run low.
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago
because Erik is incapable of listening to reason
Think the Siege of Leningrad.
she likes causing trouble
hellacopacetic: if by reason you mean 'his wife' and 'other good hearted people', then yes.
Erik is a bit down and out now but perpetual winter is a good cover for looting.
Since he's not a police anymore.
Lydia can notice that the City is not how she left it.
Whoaaa. Are you planning on bringing Erik in with CoS memories as well as ToS?
Well... I could, though he hasn't been in both; he was canonfresh to both games.
Apparently anything goes, but Caius will be there so (LOL)
Fuck; even better!
Maybe they sent the invite to the wrong dimension and he'll only have CoS memories.
magicom: Lydia will squint so hard at him tbh
rofl omg, that'll be hilarious. I wonder if hellacopacetic has Devi with other memories
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago
A confusing amalgamation thereof
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago
Caius better come see Devi, she's specifically looking for his thin ass
Oh so both CoS and ToS, too?
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago
TOS Primary with CoS encroaching and blending in as applicable
oh boy
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago
Come to her Caius, Devi likes you best
he's going to be so confused. He stayed after the game closed, like Charles. but yes once I find the flash drive with his icons I'll toss him in
Ainsley ☄
5 years ago
👀 time to dust off ziva
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago
/loves Z forever
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
5 years ago
oh boy
5 years ago
Thanks to everyone for replurking and sharing!
5 years ago
Who did I even play here??? Spock?
I remember Spock and Charles CR yes
Yes Spock!
Hillbilly Haint
5 years ago
Devi painted your homeworld for you Spock
Dori and Spock better dance
5 years ago
Omg. Do I even have Spock on DW?? I must. I might have to dig him out.
5 years ago
hellacopacetic: I REMEMBER THIS
5 years ago
I just barely remember what else he did.
5 years ago
Opticon: Is Dorian going to be there?
yes, he was made for it
5 years ago
5 years ago
faynia you need to do a reunion log with me here
5 years ago
Jane must come back.
5 years ago
same for completenictory if you want to bring Sulu back for a reunion lap!
5 years ago
Woo hoo Chappaiguardian
5 years ago
Screee. I will totally tag in with Erin. She had the best CR here and the slightly more grown up version of her may have to hug people.
5 years ago
Erin will be confused at CoS Erik verus ToS.
5 years ago
And generally everything. Her usual game has seen her level up in badass slightly.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Erin will just be a little sad the Erik shd knew won't be there to apreicate the story about her stabbing a guy with a pen. Very sad.
dark doppelhoe
5 years ago
I feel like Erik would still appreciate a story like that, even without context
5 years ago
"This creep tried to kidnapp me so I stabbed him,you d be proud!" -- the line I shall find a way to use when I get home.
5 years ago
I.... would find this a hilarious reason to app her to CoS. Imagine how outraged she would be at the city for "kidnapping" her from a wedding reception.
you shouuuuuld
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