156Friends 1Fans
female Seattle, WA, United States
Mostly to have another place to plot for RP and link to hilarious RP meme responses.

My character list.

I play Annie Dyer and Inezia Harvadasher-Fetcher over at The Ton.
3 weeks ago 2
[cats] I had to kick all the boys out of my room so I could sleep. Violet seems disappointed in me.
4 weeks ago 4
Getting maybe head hunted for a more adulty adult job. I MAY GET IT. If I get through the process.
1 months ago 9
Work is still.... not great. Still working on getting out.

And then yesterday? A coworker rudely asked me how much I weigh when I already KNOW I'm overweight and have a bad self-image. So. Fuck.
1 months ago
.... I may have gone feral. Gave myself a late night hair cut. I've done it before. It usually turns out cute.
2 months ago 15
I want to get back in after.... all the bullshit that happened that killed my drive. I miss writing and gaming.
2 months ago
Someone got me a bunch of pdfs. My future D&D campaign is going to be wild.

There's a Mimic book of Mimics.
2 months ago 7
I am alive, just... a lot of job hunting and massive anxiety.
3 months ago 9
[job hunting] AAAAAAAA. My housemate sent me a link to a job I LOVE THE IDEA OF. For me. But I have never written a cover letter.
4 months ago 8
So update: I live. I'm just under massive levels of stress from work and am actively trying to quit.
4 months ago 31 @Edit 4 months ago
Yesterday was literally the worst one in a while. I'm going to try and make something positive out of it.

CW: Pet death