6 years ago
just a quick update. Death SUCKS. and watching someone slowly die SUCKS BIG TIME. And yes, there is an end. At least mom whispered "I love" with her last breath.
latest #17
6 years ago
That"s my new mantra - "I love*.
6 years ago
And even if it's an " I Love what dickwad you are" I will try to whisper I love gently to the world..
Yes....attending to the dying is difficult but on the other hand so very rewarding. You’re helping with one of the greatest transitions ever. It’s humbling and an honor at the same time. I tell people that caring for my mom while dying was the hardest thing I ever did it was also the most rewarding. (app-touch)
I lost all my hug plurkicons for now so I got that. LOL oh and this.... (cozy)
You called? I heard my name. (LOL)
But so sorry about your mom. :-(
6 years ago
you are absolutely right starfiresilverstar
6 years ago
smiles at HighDef and nods. Thsnks
6 years ago
Oh, sweetie. Hugs. "I love" is a wonderful mantra. We should all adopt it. (cozy)
6 years ago
mimipal I think you already have! (cozy)
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
I’m sorry (cozy)
6 years ago
That is very hard indeed (cozy)
isle says
6 years ago
Twink: I am so very sorry. I understand this, unfortunately. Watching someone is terrible. Each breath. Her last tho, sounded like it was just as she would have wanted. What mother wouldn't. <3
6 years ago
6 years ago
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