198Friends 256Fans
female Bloomfield, IN, United States
I have a home, but I prefer wandering.
Godtess shares
17 hours ago 5
https://images.plurk.com/7MnabQ3iaWOv5pGS8g9oem.jpg Good morning!
Yesterday 9
Good morning. I’m adjusting to the time change, but I’m up, exercised, showered, dressed, house cleaned and fed. Now to tackle that to-do list!
2 days ago 3
Taxes are done! And I bought a sleeper sofa to replace the one in my living room. Also the vacuum and mop that the renter broke. Based on results, she did NOT break them while cleaning.
3 days ago 8
Long and expensive day, but I got lots done and am now tired. Most important: New phone, which WORKS!
3 days ago 7
Is currently in Bloomington, buying a new phone (iPhone 14) and a new small laptop. Expensive day!
4 days ago 3
Good night. Sleeping in my own bed for the first time in over four months!
4 days ago 12 @Edit 4 days ago
Good Morning. Waking up to a cold, damp Indianapolis. Hope you have sunny skies. https://images.plurk.com/5m5kFr59hm5kYmnTtCdzSc.png
5 days ago 7
I've made it to Indianapolis. In a hotel for the night and my brother will get me tomorrow. I did NOT like the snow, however.
5 days ago 8
Good Morning. I've found my way, via 2 buses, to the Cancun Airport. Only two plane flights to go.
6 days ago 6
My last full night in Merida. I'd hope to learn about the city, but I've spent most of the time running to the bathroom. Better today. have an overnight bus to Cancun, then another to the airport where I fly home tomorrow.