Looks like a lot of censorship in #7
Yup which could be a problem for many bloggers, myself included
For sure, and many artists and photographers from both worlds. Crazy.
7i "sexually suggestive" well.... shit.
That's super shitty for people who've been using Flickr for their photo roll over the years.
I've never even heard about SmugMug until now. Ad if they don't allow sexually suggestive, why did they buy flickr? Half of it's content is
erotic. I wonder what it will mean for pro accounts, too. :/
Well, that's gonna be a mess
No porn, no boobs, no ads... and is it just me or does the company name gross others out too?
SmugMug is an all paid site too, meaning no free accounts...
Yea, if we can longer use Flickr because of the strict restrictions placed on it other than wholesome posting, I am not really sure what else we could use.
Ok Skye just found this info. It looks like it is going to stay Flickr and we have our own TOS - all seems good
Flickr Terms and Conditions
SmugMug is honoring the TOS and the pricing structure
At least the parts about restrictions that we were worried about.
Start a fundraiser to found your own service. Make your own terms.
Well that is a bit of a relief.
They definitly are going to wait to change anything drasticly for a few months
As with any such thing, NOW is the time to back up your photos, just in case.
Speaking of which, quoting from an email I just got: "If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr account and data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by SmugMug’s Terms and Privacy Policy."
mmccann: the slightly different (and in this case very important) wording comparing the smugmug and flickr tos makes one wonder what they will REALLY be doing though. as the flickr tos does make note of the buyout. seems to be a case of smugmug doesn't do maturity filtering, flickr does- but where they are going to go is anyone's guess as they don't
appear 100% consistent in what they are saying will be the case going forward
mmccann: yeah, but people have talked about seeing them say flickr's tos will apply elsewhere? it may be wishful thinking, but i'm not sure all their docs are consistent
SexySiloPuddinPie: Ya. More than concerning, even though
I think my own pix would be fine under either TOS. I don't like the idea of restricting materials that were fine
the particular wording of that section of 7 also makes me really wonder what they ARE doing- smugmug's written as if there are no maturity filters, flickr is written to include them. so...switching to the new tos assumes throwing away maturity filters? but i haven't seen anything that says they are DOING that
Allegory: Ya, it's very unclear, and I don't know if there's any avenues out there for addressing it all
It's all felt very heavy handed, and has, IMO, kinda blind-sided everyone. :-/
also the whole "we aren't merging the products except we are" thing is murky
(and who knows, they may mean "the flickr version of smugmug's TOS" by it. murky.)
I think for myself, I don't have any sense of "Smug Mug" (what a horrible name) or their business practices. There's 0 trust, because they've don't nothing to gain my trust (mostly because, again, who the heck are they? Never heard of them).
Now this has just "happened" and there's all these contradictory statements, including the one I posted that sounds the most distressing. Hard to give any benefit of a doubt.
Bottom line: most likely, you're all fucked.
mmccann: it's a paid account only, selling your photography site. a different market than flickr, though related- and also makes a lot of sense to have a stricter control over content. they seem more like a "fun" little company like old school flickr, so it might see some of the previous spirit return. they did it and went away for the weekend, which is
never a good idea, leaving people hanging while they try to muddle through what's really going on. it doesn't directly effect me much more than it does you- i think the raciest thing on my stream is a solitary (clothed) upskirt shot because i liked the angle but my skirt didn't. but as a community, clarification on this may change all of our habits.
Allegory: Indeed. I thin one of my concerns - albeit minor - is how they stand on non-photographic art (as in, inworld images like we all do)
But really, we simply don't know on, well, anything. That's always the most frustrating thing for me. Tell me what's allowed, nd I'll stick with it or go elsewhere. Don't leave me guessing, yaknow?
mmccann: yes! they really needed to not announce this thing right before a weekend. let people get answers instead of freaking out!
Allegory: Yup. Heck, I'm still sorting through E2V stuff!
and we were always kinda red headed stepchildren flickr only grudgingly accepted with screenshots as it was
I’m guessing that the legal team at Smugmug is now scrambling to review tos. Maybe if we’re lucky they’re trying to incorporate adult filters into smugmug tos so it can all stay the same. But then again....maybe not. We could all be pretty fucked so better start covering the nipples and hoochies and porny bits of your pictures now kids.
Every time I get an email from Flickr about this, it just links to the SmugMug TOS, which worries me a lot
I couldn't even sign into my Flickr account over the weekend.
So that's good news, but I would still recommend caution. What is true today may not be down the line.
That is very true. Thank you for sharing that. I am glad someone asked the question directly to them..but yes it could change
I still don't like it tho
Yea the whole thing makes me very nervous tbh