Chandra Masala
7 years ago
Surgery on Monday and all I can think is how much I'm going to miss drinking (LOL)
latest #16
7 years ago
7 years ago
surgery for what?
Chandra Masala
7 years ago
I had a VSG 2 years ago that the surgeon botched, so I developed a number of rare conditions (esophageal paralysis, spasms, motility disorders, vomiting 30+ times daily). I was lucky to get into Mayo Clinic, one of 3 in the country that treats these. So they're going to do a gastrojejunostomy (basically like a bypass), on Monday then proceed with further
Chandra Masala
7 years ago
Chandra Masala
7 years ago
The intent is to hopefully keep me off of tube feeding, since I've been doing that on and off the past year via nasal gastric tube.
7 years ago
ah yes now I remember that whole mess
7 years ago
the part about the botched surgery
Chandra Masala
7 years ago
Yeah it's been really fucked up. I'm just relieved they figured it all out.
7 years ago
hope all goes well
Chandra Masala
7 years ago
They can't promise it'll be fixed but it'll help alleviate some of the symptoms anyway. So I'm grateful as hell
Chandra Masala
7 years ago
I'm clinging to the silver lining of further weight loss because I'm vain and I need something to aspire to (LOL)
7 years ago
Eek - and yeah, hopefully both the silver lining, as well as feeling better over all.
Gogo ♔
7 years ago
You poor thing. Hope this goes well.
7 years ago
7 years ago
I hope it goes well. They are pretty good at Mayo.
7 years ago
You can read By the Shores of Silver Lake while you're there, since the hospital is about 6 or 7 blocks away.
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