EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
How is everyone doing with their new years resolutions?
latest #15
7 years ago
Eeks i accidentally deleted you on mobile
☆Lourdes☆ is
7 years ago
still an asshole!! So its going great
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
mishaselene: hahahahaha oh dear
Maxwell Graf
7 years ago
Day 12 w/o nicotine or THC, cold turkey is fucked up, yo. Stressed and migrainey, but im holding on to last threads of sanity.
Maxwell Graf
7 years ago
But, its either stahp with the chemicals and detox or die, so...
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
maxwell_graf: that's awesome!!!!
isle says
7 years ago
Good, no booze since 2016 lol. Losing a bit of weight and spending a lot less money that I don't have.
❅Tina ❅ says
7 years ago
Haven't missed a Zumba class yet, and when class was cancelled I went and did other stuffs! Not doing as well with the less soda thing but I've made progress just not as much as I had hoped
7 years ago
I'm still alive so I'm winning
Maxwell Graf
7 years ago
It feels good to be becoming free of it, tho! Healthy!
M-Doll0809A says
7 years ago
We'll see.
7 years ago
just laughs
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
TeenaBasevi: yayyy! I made myself go to the gym today even though i didnt want to and im glad i did
Door 2
7 years ago
What are those?
7 years ago
people still make new years resolutions?
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