Keira Seerose says
7 years ago
I miss you guys a lot. I had to give up a lot when I left SL. Had to give up the hours of laughter and the work and the mad notion that I was good at something. Risked it all to try and make that happen in rl
latest #27
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
and whilst it is, and things are crazy and somehow I've stumbled into what could be amazing things for me by complete accident - I regularly just wanna curl up with you guys.
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
Sending love to you all, don't think I've forgotten you. <3
Alicia ✿
7 years ago
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
aliciachenaux: Hiii <3 Hows things? :}
Alicia ✿
7 years ago
Things are good. Same ol', same ol'. (LOL) Tell us about your life!
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
aliciachenaux: Im in my last year of my degree in Creative Writing, currently getting a first. Doing 3 dissertations because I'm insane XD one of which is a poetry chapbook, one is a YA novel and one is being
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
graded on the PRIDE event I run at my university (using the skills all yall taught me)
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
I'm president of the spoken word society and vice president of the comedy society. I perform monthly as a comedian and a couple of times a month as a performance poet / spoken word poet.
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
I went to the Edinburgh fringe this year as both and european slam winners, national touring poets all encouraged me to perform more as they could see me becoming a t ouring poet so its all kind of mindblowing
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
I'm very happy academically and with whats happening with my writing, but, there are some things about SL that I miss very badly. Even still.
Alicia ✿
7 years ago
Wow!! It all sounds so wonderful!
(((Cajsa))) says
7 years ago
Hi, you are missed!!! I am glad you are anticipating amazing
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
I mean, its a degree so obviously theres stress and difficulties and I'm trying to balance my mental health which has been up and down the past few years with all this change, but I'm always going to be ill
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
CajsaLilliehook: Hi lovely! I miss you too <3
Wow you are doing awesome. I'm so happy your dreams are coming true.
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
I dont wanna be braggy. Its still hard. I just know a lot of you saw me at my worst when I couldnt leave my house for 7 and a half years, when there was no hope. You deserve to know that you helped me get here
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
and what 'here' actually is for me
7 years ago
I think this is beautiful! It is so cool to hear where you came from and where you are now!
Wow, hai xxx Sounds like everything is coming together perfectly
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
What are you doing awake so late?
Caroline Apollo
7 years ago
so wonderful to hear all of this good news!! good to see you again <3
7 years ago
Good to hear all this!!! You're not forgotten either
Paco Pooley
7 years ago
Sounds really thrilling. Glad that things work out for you that good.
7 years ago
so happy that things are going well
Keira Seerose
7 years ago
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