Plurk EN says
8 years ago
We just launched 'Mentioned' to users with coins for testing. Everytime someone @ you, you will be notified. Hopefully we'll be able to make it available to everyone soon :-))
Responses disabled for others than plurk poster
latest #207
illin' klorvus
8 years ago
this is actually the first thing i've seen that would make plurk coins worth it
illin' klorvus
8 years ago
looks awesome!
8 years ago
Oh man, I've always wished they had that
8 years ago
I do enjoy this feature so far.
8 years ago
...oh that's helpful ty
8 years ago
So how is this different from being pinged when someone does that with your name, anyway? Does it just put it all together in the tab?
8 years ago
fuck yes, this is all i have wanted forever now
8 years ago
That seems to be the idea, that it puts it all in a tab. It's a new way to interact with the old ping mechanic.
8 years ago
Though I have a question. While I've been pinged in plurks in the past, the Mentioned tab is empty for me. Is this only going to apply to new pings? Or only to pings that have not yet been seen?
8 years ago
Ahhh... the Voldemort effect, whenever someone mention his name, he will be notified. Interesting concept.
8 years ago
If someone mention me in real life. Will it shown in here to?
8 years ago
terserah lu dwan terseraaah
8 years ago
alvin is it available in Plurk API too?
8 years ago
dwan: that would be a nice-to-have feature
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Oh, I've been wanting this for ages.
alvin says
8 years ago
Infychu: yea you get email and app/website notification :-))
alvin says
8 years ago
akhy: let me check (thinking)
alvin says
8 years ago
dwan: if we can do that, you should be very afraid :-P
Plurk EN says
8 years ago
akhy: Yep, just set the |filter| parameter to 'mentioned'. Documentation hasn't been updated yet.
8 years ago
I already get this. How is this new?
8 years ago
plurken: whoa, the docs deserves more love.. iirc there are some undocumented stuffs when I was playing with it
alvin says
8 years ago
akhy: :-P:-P:-P
voganow says
8 years ago
Monroe Jigsaw
8 years ago
i've been waiting for that to be an addition to the site since i sucks i gotta pay to use it :-(
8 years ago
ah, just realized it's premium-only feature. Great for encouraging plurkers to support plurk via coins
8 years ago
I like it! Thank you!
BabyBinky33 says
8 years ago
This is something that should have been added as a regular feature a long time ago.
GW Wolf was
8 years ago
I'd love to test that one out. I would like to know if rolling this out is what made plurk act like it was on drugs all day today.
MoRi 𐂂
8 years ago
I think this is useless, coz you still end up in responded section everytime you're mentioned.
MoRi 𐂂
8 years ago
If you would add chatbox and scheduled plurking, that would be great
8 years ago
chatbox can use private plurk laa...
Take on Mint
8 years ago
interesting...not the most useful, but also kinda handy in some cases...
Take on Mint
8 years ago
would still like separate tabs for 'liked' and 'replurked' more, but ok
MoRi 𐂂
8 years ago
Hacques: it's not instantaneous like instant messaging services
8 years ago
_zep_: You don't have to have responded to something to be mentioned in it.
8 years ago
finally Mentioned as a tab yes ty...
illin' klorvus
8 years ago
well it won't be in responded if someone pings you in a plurk you...haven't responded to
illin' klorvus
8 years ago
people use mentions for stuff other than replying to a person who's already spoken, you know?
8 years ago
_zep_: if the other party didn't check the plurk, whether there's a chatbox or private pm both are not instantaneous at all. But if both party online, the private plurks can be instant messenger.
8 years ago
about time!
8 years ago
And here comes the spammers
8 years ago
Ah, someone reinvented grepping the newsspool.
Ayra P.
8 years ago
congrats plurk on the improvement
it is very good feature and absolutely should be available to all asap!
8 years ago
I was planning to get coins anyway, now super excited about it!
Plurk EN says
8 years ago
Samantha says
8 years ago
Its good
go_search_directory says
8 years ago
Great plurk
Tcmwindow says
8 years ago
This article is excellent indeed.
8 years ago
I now have plurk coins! Bought the 12 pack. So excited to play with everything!
alvin says
8 years ago
alvin says
8 years ago
TenAges: yes eventually
8 years ago
I bugged my mum for her card >.>
8 years ago
she owed me money, so it worked out.
8 years ago
Of course, I added some emotes, and they're not working....
Landscape mode for plurk mobile? Am I the only one feeling the absence there? Kind of sucks because I'd totally use it, and the lack of ads, otherwise but...
I'm a lamer who never learned to type in portrait.
hopefully it will be available to everyone soon. :-D
plurk coins sure is expensive here.
Tcmwindow says
8 years ago
very good
EventTracker says
8 years ago
Tcmwindow says
8 years ago
8 years ago
EclatSEO says
8 years ago
Vivek Ghai says
8 years ago
marketing_solns says
8 years ago
(LOL) gud
ChickletLARP is
8 years ago
anyone else having a glitch where you'll get a number in one tab indicating a new message of that sort, but when you click the tab you get the no new messages screen?
8 years ago
I have to cache refresh two or three times, sometimes, to find the message.
8 years ago
I've had that for a long while actually... unless I've been back to the "view all plurks" state, things don't add up
8 years ago
something to do with differences between how it counts and how it updates the category list to display, I presume, but idk for sure
8 years ago
I've had it for a while too, but it's been worse since I got plurk coins, which is irritating.
Tcmwindow says
8 years ago
This article is excellent indeed.
8 years ago
btw something I'd personally love: if I could turn off keyboard shortcuts
8 years ago
every few days I try typing but I'm not in the text bar, and by the time I realize what's going on, I've moved the timeline or changed filters or worse yet MAAR'd 100+ unread plurks by accident
8 years ago
(if there's already a way to do it, I haven't found it yet)
8 years ago
8 years ago
Agreed. The M hotkey in particular is murder.
8 years ago
CxT Group says
8 years ago
Health Tips says
8 years ago
jeffFoster says
8 years ago
dww25921 says
8 years ago
I like Plurking. I'm assuming it is a verb, so Plurking, Plurkable, & plurked should be a thing. Just saying.
8 years ago
Neferrtiti says
8 years ago
i want to how to do promotion
dubaidesiescort says
8 years ago
Toxic Trash
8 years ago
Every time someone has mentioned me I get an email about, have been long before your coins came out. Mentions are hardly new.
^ Yes, but the thing is people (including me) doesn't want to rely on email from Plurk to be notified.
Toxic Trash
8 years ago
I'd rather rely on my email, its free :-P
I don't mean I'd like to rely on plurk coins, but don't you find the Plurk mails that clogs in your mail box are like junk mails? :-P
Email to me is more like a formal way to receive formal messages not Plurk or other social network. I'm glad that there's now such an option for us to check those on Plurk, though currently beta for plurk coin
Toxic Trash
8 years ago
I don't get that many to be honest so its not really a problem, and on my tablet I get notifications as small notices. Currently all my money goes elsewhere, stuff for the house and pets mostly. Or I'd get coin
I think beta for plurk coin user means it'd be a public feature later? IDK, but I hope so. :-P
Toxic Trash
8 years ago
dww25921 says
8 years ago
Good times.
applewang90 says
8 years ago
Tcmwindow says
8 years ago
very good
Social Annex says
8 years ago
That's really good
Veronica says
8 years ago
Great :-D
EasyLowCalRecipes says
8 years ago
kungs says
8 years ago
◕.◕™ says
8 years ago
8 years ago
geekmonkey: one step at a time. Keep in mind that Plurk doesn't have thousands of engineers yet
8 years ago
?? Wtf does that have to do with someone taking 10 seconds to log in every few days and wipe the trash out of their plurks??
I beg they don't have as much resources for English Plurk comparing to Chinese Plurk, and the guy can't give a X to get online on English Plurk everyday just for the sake of wiping spams.
And if you guys didn't know yet, the official Chinese Plurk is surprisingly active. They even have different official Plurks for art,IT and office Plurk channel. English? ... Meh.
Well, I'm saying they have other better things to do than logging into this account after posting something for like a week. Who hires people to do such a thing at all?
I guess they have other stuffs to do than checking English Plurk just for wiping spam, and tbh who would do such a boring job to log in ever few days even if they have nothing to post but have other stuffs todo
Who hires someone to just to manage English Plurk and do nothing else, and to get online every few days to wipe spam and nothing else? My point is after posting English Plurk they have other stuffs to do.
And I don't think they hire that guy for English Plurk ONLY for English Plurk, to get online once a few days with such low activeness, without doing other things.
hckr says
8 years ago
geekmonkey: You're awfully whiny. It's not like they're charging you to use this, you're lucky that we have this platform in the first place.
8 years ago
Yay personal insults! The sign of a someone with zero factual arguments to make. Rock on!
hckr says
8 years ago
Lol. "bookgeek" the sign of someone who reads novels and thinks he's educated. kys
8 years ago
More insults! U r so smrt!
kungs says
8 years ago
EasyLowCalRecipes says
8 years ago
why does this keep coming up as unread even though I have read it and commented....twice
The replurks.
kungs says
8 years ago
annamartine says
8 years ago
dww25921 says
8 years ago
Good times. People should follow me so that my family will think that I have friends.
Tcmwindow says
8 years ago
very good
8 years ago
Chinese in English Plurk? Best selling spam ever. lol
kungs says
8 years ago
jems007 says
8 years ago
8 years ago
kungs says
8 years ago
dww25921 says
8 years ago
I like traffic lights, but only when they're green.
8 years ago
8 years ago
^ Alpha test or closed beta (plurk coin users)?
Education660 says
8 years ago
Tcmwindow says
8 years ago
Kaardm says
8 years ago
We have over 20 years of expertise providing effective marketing solutions for businesses of all sizes and industries.
amutechnologies says
8 years ago
Thanks for the sharing
sania_qureshi says
8 years ago
thanks for sharing
8 years ago
8 years ago
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