Monroe Jigsaw
600Friends 154Fans
male College Point, NY, United States
The Philharmonicas : Powerhouse

I enjoy science fiction, comic books, and long walks in the holodeck.

Owner and proprietor of Fork in the Road

Second Life Marketplace - Fork in The Road by Monroe Jigsaw
Monroe Jigsaw
1 years ago 5
Outer Worlds is an amazing game...if you haven't played it and you liked New Vegas do yourself a favor and get it and the dlc

(also hi I'm still not dead....still unemployed, but not dead lol)
Monroe Jigsaw
1 years ago 14
Dispite any notions to the contrary...I am still alive....surprisingly....pretty much existing out of spite at this point lol (Русский)(wave_okok)

this has been your semiannual reminder of my continued existence we now return you to the program already in progress
Monroe Jigsaw
2 years ago
In case anyone was wondering....the moon's still haunted 😆
Monroe Jigsaw
2 years ago 14
HI discord account got hacked today so if you received any messages from me about a game beta DO NOT ENGAGE IT IS A HACKER I REPAT IT IS A HACKER IT IS NOT ME
Monroe Jigsaw
3 years ago 3
Hi...while I bounce between playing no mans sky...warframe...and destiny 2....I continue to exist (wave)
Monroe Jigsaw
3 years ago 2
ALSO Finally trying out these silicone dice molds I’ve been holding onto for forever....I’m thinking if I can get the hang of making them I could make some money selling them....nerds eat this shit up lol
Monroe Jigsaw
3 years ago 6 getting back into therapy....gonna stick with it this time because i need to become a semi-functioning human i can become a semi-functioning adult XD
Monroe Jigsaw
4 years ago 1
Working on updates....20%
Don’t turn off your pc....this may take a while
......welp back to bed then :|
Monroe Jigsaw
4 years ago 22
oh hey.....this website still exists....and so do I.....that's nice
Monroe Jigsaw
4 years ago 2
Hi...just popping in to say I wouldn’t step on his neck to wipe dogshit off my shoe (wave)