Jessica Pixel
9 years ago
latest #18
Monroe Jigsaw
9 years ago
wow...shit just got serious
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago
this is in Alpha Sapphire... i'm actually finding that chaining them with the DexNav gives you a good chance of getting parents with at least 3 31s, so I'm doing that... i've chained about 160 so far
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago
some good parents, but i was dumb and forgot to catch them using my modest synchronizer, so i'm doing that now
Monroe Jigsaw
9 years ago
so this thing helps you predict what you'll get from breeding specific pokemon?
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago Games - Individual Value Calculator i use this to calculate their IVs. normally theyre at level 1 or another low level, so you have to take them into the level 50 battles at the battle institute in mauville city
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago
then when theyre at level 50, plug the stats into the calculator to see which stats they have
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago
as far as passing down stats, you can use the power items and the destiny knot which i'm working on getting now, but it's a pretty low chance Breeding Perfect Pokémon in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago
the screenshots are just from my spreadsheet where i've got the stats written down
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago
There is a double trainer battle that has a 10% chance of awarding it after a rematch.
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago
I've been wonder trading my scraps. I hope people enjoy their junk lotad with a name like 31
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