Jessica Pixel
54Friends 136Fans
Jessica Pixel
8 years ago
Second Life - Goodbye Mainland Parcel - Flagg region... Just chilling and listening to music for now
Jessica Pixel
8 years ago 3
Okay, tonight is the night. I'm going to do a short stream on YouTube unlinking all the stuff on my mainland region and setting it to physical before I abandon the land.
Jessica Pixel
8 years ago
My premium sub ends on 11-17 so if I have time, I may try to do something or at least stream knocking my building down.
Jessica Pixel
8 years ago
I've been browsing plurk again and I logged in for a little bit the other day to drive around. Is there a Bento Ruth head yet? I miss playing SL, but I'm still very busy with Pokemon.
Jessica Pixel
8 years ago 3
time for my once a month login to pay the bills
Jessica Pixel
8 years ago 1
It's been so long since I logged in the viewer I normally use has been blocked for being too far out of date.
Jessica Pixel
8 years ago 7
Still playing competitive pokemon and not caring about virtual worlds. See you later!
Jessica Pixel
8 years ago 3
i hardly even care about sl lately... too busy playing pokemon
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago
Akatsuki awesome kimono fashion tumblr
Jessica Pixel
9 years ago 1
cheaplolita cute tumblr with SL lolita styles