Nath Pevensey shares
8 years ago
latest #17
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
I've been seeing a lot of 'in a world of Kardashians, be a ________' memes lately, so I found myself driven to create one about what I REALLY think of when I hear 'Kardashian'.
8 years ago
I'm glad it's not just me.
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
I probably should've played with kerning a fair bit before 'publishing' this one, but... it's still a few miles past most of the ones you see out there around the Kardashians. ;-)
8 years ago
The Gul Dukat stuff is the best thing ever in StarTrek series. :-D
8 years ago
I think I need to rewatch DS9 ...
Paco Pooley
8 years ago
We just rewatched DS9 and it is a Bloody Good show still. We totally love it
8 years ago
8 years ago
It's the best series of all of them. Weak beginning but gets better and better with a really great last season.
Paco Pooley
8 years ago
The beginning really is crap. But yeah... 3rd season starts rock'n'roll
Ugh I LOVE Gul Dukat
8 years ago
Where are the boxes ... looking ... I got all the boxed version, they look like those standard StarTrek containers. :-P
8 years ago
a bit.
8 years ago
Ok, not really. I remembered wrong.
8 years ago
can I be legate damar instead? I feel he was more stable
8 years ago
phoenixwaller: more stable during his kanahr times (unsure) :-D
8 years ago
lol I'll take that over the schizophrenic delusions and god complex
8 years ago
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