8 years ago
Oh joy. Computer borked. Boots bios, goes to Windows welcome screen, goes black. Reboots to bios, gives me repair or start normally. Repair fails..starting normally starts the cycle all over again.
latest #7
SHAYnyXmasStar says
8 years ago
8 years ago
I do so not have time for this, ugh.
8 years ago
8 years ago
It may be bad ram
8 years ago
It is for some reason booting from the wrong drive. Some remnants of Vista left there apparently, which explains why it fails. No ammount of setting the other drive to be the one to boot from changes it
8 years ago
annoying, but i'll google til I figure something out I guess. Not my computer, so I don't wanna mess around too much until the bf is home and backs up the important stuff.
8 years ago
unplug the drive
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