warmed by the positive feedback for TAG! Gacha. The first day was insane - with 70 people hammering the sim within 5 minutes of opening. The Gachaatopian tsunami went on to crash Shai and Kris' sim - opps!
Many thanks for all the people that helped make opening day a great success - the incredibly talented creators, the people that filled in at the last minute, the volunteers from Gachatopia who kept the crowds
informed and moving. And the players themselves that put up with the glitches and still perservered to complete their HUDs and get their prizes. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
omg how much i loved this event you don't even know. YOU DON'T! if ever you want a stor elike mine in it, just let this girl know. cause i am spending all my lindens on this shiz.
it was a great first opening! and i'm glad you let the gachatopians have a go at it first! you guys are awesome! so helpful and you have to put up with A LOT! Love the event!