10 years ago
So I'm JUST learning how to make mesh, i need advice from mesh makers. I DONT want to make clothes, i know that much. Half people tell me learn maya which I'm in the midst of doing, other half tell me zbrush
latest #41
10 years ago
I dont wanna waste weeks of time learning something that I wouldnt use that much. Any advice on what is the best program to learn for sl of the two?
Kirsty Oherlihy
10 years ago
I'll replurk for you my lovely, hope you are well! Xx
10 years ago
yayyyyyy tysm babe! I am awesome xoxoxox hope you are also! :-))
Wavie Haller says
10 years ago
I use both but if you can only afford one then it has to be maya. There's just too much zBrush lacks that it makes it a secondary program. No one uses Zbrush on it's own for sl
Paco Pooley
10 years ago
Blazin: it really depends on WHAT you want to make. as far as i can tell ZBrush is great for organic modelling and Maya is good for things like - hum - furniture...etc.
Paco Pooley
10 years ago
on the other hand - why don't you try blender first? it is free, the rendering tools now are amazing and there are a zillion tutorials on the new
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
she must already have maya Paco if shes started learning it but yeah blender is improving alot and has free tutorials, where as alot of maya stuff like digital tutors isnt cheap
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
but anyway i use maya and zbrush, for example the hippo chair i made for a certain someone, i started the model in maya til it got to this point Screenshot by Gyazo
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
Then i used zbrush to shape it and add some detail Screenshot by Gyazo
Kirsty Oherlihy
10 years ago
Wavie_Haller: best hippo chair ever!
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
went back to maya to do the seat section Screenshot by Gyazo
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
then baked in maya because zbrush cant really do it,
10 years ago
great guys ty! :-) I actually have both maya and zbrush. Im thinking possibly avatar accessories, or furniture, or possibly hair
10 years ago
Aww wavie, it says its not found when i click on the link and i'd love to see it!
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
and then i reduced the model and exported as an fbx or dae file, to upload to sl. so i'd say the important steps are done in maya, the fun steps are done in zbrush
Kirsty Oherlihy
10 years ago
Blazin: go all out and do all 3 (LOL)
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
Blazin: do all of them say not found? gyazo must be a douche today
10 years ago
hahahahaha right? well i was gonna start just doing a week of maya tutorials, then a week of zbrush and keep going on that route. Its a lot to learn so just wanted some advice on which would be the best
potato boyo
10 years ago
Just the last one was not found for me.
10 years ago
ohhh yea just the last, now i see the first ones. omfg so epic! I am amazed at the work you guys can do
potato boyo
10 years ago
It's interesting that you switch between the two on the same project.
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
definitely start with maya, its the essential stuff, like the converting to dae for upload to sl and so on
Kirsty Oherlihy
10 years ago
The last link has annoying written in it (LOL)
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
KirstyOherlihy: i must have read your whatsapp as i linked it
Paco Pooley
10 years ago
Wavie_Haller: do not forget the mean UV unwrapping!
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
PacoPooley: ooh yeah, speaking of which blazin im no expert but if you have any questions about maya as you go just use kirsty as a pawn to get to my im box
Kirsty Oherlihy
10 years ago
Wavie_Haller: hahahaha piss off!
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
boyo: i just dont like zbrush's transformation tools so its really rare i ever actually start something in zbrush from scratch, i just finish it off
10 years ago
LMFAOOOOO , I aint skeered! ILL DO IT ILL DO IT! hahahaa :-P
10 years ago
ok so I think ill just continue with my maya learning. seems as if the majority are good with maya
Kirsty Oherlihy
10 years ago
And yeah Blaze just message me and I will make Wavie help you! cracks her whip
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
tbh, id say maybe even 3ds max is best from what ive seen but theres so many of us that use maya and or zbrush that youre better off with maya then you can bug me to help you
10 years ago
YAYYY! Ok I shall take you up on that offer haha! So appreciated! I subscribed to Online video tutorials & training | and started from lesson one and going from the basics, which I think would be best
Wavie Haller
10 years ago
Blazin: awesome, good luck Tutorials for CG, 3D, 2D, VFX, CAD, games and more > Digital-Tuto... is where i learned the basics then just learnt the rest by trial and error
10 years ago
ok great! you guys seriously helped me so much. Ive been so confused. No idea how much i appreciate your advice , really ! :-))
10 years ago
the best software is the one you have friends that can help you with :-D
10 years ago
lolol titania BEST ADVICE YET! \o/ hahaha
Brujita Ghost
10 years ago
two very different programs. Maya would be more useful to you. If you are a student somewhere, Autodesk offers free three year use of the program. Free Student Software Downloads | Autodesk Education Community
Brujita Ghost
10 years ago
TitaniaHalasy: hahah this is seriously the truth
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