246Friends 170Fans
female Second life
9 years ago
GUIS! I wanna build a christmas village in SL..that looks more like a charles dickens scene? Anyone know where I could get something close to it? Gyazo
Blazin shares
9 years ago
9 years ago 2
YOU GUIS! Can anyone help meh PLEASE! lol so my friend & I were messin around on my land and he decided to spam the hell outta me
Blazin shares
9 years ago

this <3
9 years ago 90
YOU GUYS! HIIIIIIIIIII! Noone prolly gonna say hi back cause i haven't been around but I hope everyone doing well xox
Blazin shares
10 years ago

10 years ago
I've spent 2 days now trying to model the STUPID AIRPLANE on digital tutors and the dude goes TOO FAST & hardly explains what he's doing! I highly prefer Online video tutorials & training | so much more than DT. FRUSTRATED!
10 years ago 12
Virtual world Second Life to be reincarnated, with Oculus Rift why are creators freaking out about this? Not a passive aggressive question. Im really wondering b/c I dont understand Oculus Rift and does this mean I should just stop
10 years ago 2
morning everyone!