Brujita Ghost
117Friends 10Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
[16:12] Owen Oyen: raquella there has never been an event of any sort to which you did not respond I am miserable and I'm going to die.
Brujita Ghost
2 years ago
white girl with baby hairs in an ad for "cocaine nose" -- please, I cannot.
Brujita Ghost
4 years ago
Back in my day, items at Collabor88 were only 88L
Brujita Ghost
5 years ago 2
hi, i haven't played SL in a long time. There was a men's clothing line, and they guy made long, oversized tshirts, and I think the name was japanese or asian. The clothing was japanese inspired, in terms of being super fashion forward and on trend.
Brujita Ghost
5 years ago
where does everyone hang out? I don't have any SL friends anymore.
Brujita Ghost
6 years ago 10
Wow, just found a super hateful/racist/anti-semitic sandbox, that has a ton of stuff copied from Rachel Breaker. screen grabs in comments.
Brujita Ghost
6 years ago omg the way the face moves is so pretty!
Brujita Ghost asks
6 years ago 1
Is a mesh head pretty standard now? Which are your favorites? The Genus head looks so nice.
Brujita Ghost asks
7 years ago 4
what are some good skin shops? I haven't played SL in almost 2 years, and my avatar is really out of date. Is Lara still a relevant body to own, or is there something better?