this isn't the actual game, is it
i kind of sincerely doubt it
Iii have no idea on that.
I'm...guessing testing a functional client? idk man
I'm a bit afraid to download a mystery program!
sits in here to see what it does
yeeeah I'm not downloading anything until we can know what it is
It appears that Sburb is not Mac compatible.
Or at least, there's something in there that the unzipping program doesn't like.
frankly I wouldn't be surprised if some douches take advantage of all this stuff about the HS game to make a virus and
disguise it as LOL SBURB BEtA
Ironically. Minutes ago i stuffed random crap into my pockets as i was going to Taco bell because the thought hit me-
"what if i get transported to another world for some reason while I'm out? I may need this."
something could probably survive virus scans, but turn into something bad when put together, idk.
Just need to wait for the password, then. :3c
It's probably not a virus, but I don't want to download something if I don't know what it is.
... Same. I'm curious, but. what the hell is it?
IDK wtf to expect, but I am very, VERY curious. XDc
no one knows what it is till the password gets out
i bet it never will be put out
and we'll all die of curipsity and worry
Eh. Someone will hack the Pw.
How the hell do we know it's not something dangerous?
I feel like a weirdo, but what's the significance of that date?
Everyone enters the password but then bam a virus. That would suck.
some of those files haven't been modified since as early as 2000
I'm just going to quietly avoid downloading this until the other shoe drops.
.........Well, I'm not going to download it, but I'll keep an eye on it.
well this looks interesting
someone else mentioned it possibly messing with the system 32 folder....
The .me file extension usually refers to an ASCII file, and is typically used for "read me" files which look like ""
idk if that's reassuring at all but
Tumblr's saying it's a virus. :|a
Well Tumblr does say a lot of things
someone tried opening/playing it already?
But of course Tumblr's hardly a totally reliable source about.... anything
Probably safest to leave it alone though
I can't imagine it's really anything worst seeing, even if it isn't a virus or a screamer
Follow startbeta and you can see their other posts.
the name is actually Which and it was made by Mike Inel
who is a creepy ass dude and I love this game
...dude, not cool. Not compatible with Mac OS?
well, it was built in unity but... yeah, that kinda sucks
I've seen it before in programming
I'm finding references to them in PSX bios/isos, of all things
Yea. Certain emulators use that as directory placeholders.
I've used that kind of emulator to make icons before. So I'd know. ;P

I'd just like to note that, iirc, it's literally impossible for a virus to make a computer explode.
Hey guys, interesting stuff from an ask response:
So they're adapting a previous project to make this one.
And that's why some of the files are so old
Exactly. That makes sense. Makes me wonder if it's the same people behind that other game mentioned above.
The password is "content"
At least, when I use that I actually get a compression error instead of a wrong password notification.

not sure if this has been posted yet
there's also some shit going around about it apparently being a potential trojan
sorry if that's been brought up already i just skimmed the plurk
In other words, it was a retarded attempt at a social experiment. Nice.
or someone just playing a prank
I really hate people like that
I'll keep an eye on what they're doing out of curiosity, but. SHRUG
seems like sburbbeta posted about it being nothing
The problem is you can't view their posts on that blog
You have to be following them and see them on your dash
It really looks like a case of them taking a bunch of files from an existing game
renaming some of them homestucky things
and sticking them in an intentionally broken zip file with a password.
One of the ones claiming it is a virus? Is spouting random buzzwords that don't sound remotely credible to a me. And I have a degree.
Get rid of the excess a there
As the OP in this plurk (I'm not foxfriends/startbeta), I'm sorry for getting people's hopes up with this. I thought that it was real and
wanted to share it with others on plurk.
Naw it's cool, don't worry about it. XD Anyone would've been hopeful.
I'm not getting any virus problems whatsoever
It's not even a game it was a practical joke.
Oh I figured it wouldn't be, but I still wanted to see what was in the download file.
There are faaar too few files in this to be anything anyway, surely?
It was bits and pieces of other programs to confuse people apparently, if you managed to open it. Nothing dangerous. Just dumb
So, pretty much what I said somewhere earlier -- probably junk files, or at the very least, decidedly not what was advetised.
AKA a living example of be careful what you download, kids.
This was actually a more interesting plurk to me in terms of what it turned into than what it originally presented itself as being.