spooky boos
117Friends 12Fans
San Antonio, TX, United States
Fuck the police i want emoticons ;___;
spooky boos
10 years ago 1
i accidentally logged into the wrong account
spooky boos
10 years ago
MORNING REMINDER TO ADD ME AT goregasms IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!!! this plurk will stay open for the meantime for public replurking of things
spooky boos
10 years ago
[cat life] http://instagram.com/p/ub_m9aBZLa/(he gets so invested in cartoons, its amazing) i got up for a few minutes and came back to him just JIIIIing at the TV
spooky boos
10 years ago 24
cries I hope I get the pokemon demo... ALSO. I HAVE 2 EXTRA SHINY GENGAR EVENT CODES. WHO WANTS? gengars have homes now
spooky boos
10 years ago 14
jfc im so weak to marketing schemes
spooky boos
10 years ago 3
vibrates in excitement!! my weasely wizard wheezes hoodie is in toooown, and soon my doorstep!!
spooky boos
10 years ago 14
I am having the worst anxiety day in a long time ugh. dont wanna get out of bed
spooky boos
10 years ago
why is it that when you eat, then nap, you wake up hungry all over again????
spooky boos
10 years ago 14
well that was terrifying!! i heard the dog barking and got freaked out