Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
What's with people in SL who dislike talking in open chat? I'm confused by this.
latest #29
potato boyo
12 years ago
I'm shy (nottalking)
Maitai says
12 years ago
12 years ago
they like to reserve their awesomeness for an exclusive few ... ?
potato boyo
12 years ago
2moti that makes no sense.
potato boyo
12 years ago
Were it the case, they would talk to Gen.
12 years ago
boyo: i never promised that i'd make sense !!
potato boyo
12 years ago
Not like you keep your promises, anyway.
12 years ago
12 years ago
blasphemy !!
potato boyo
12 years ago
12 years ago
potato boyo
12 years ago
12 years ago
mostly it's about being with a group of people, but still not conversing with the group but instead wanting to speak privately to someone.
12 years ago
I dislike that. If I'm nearby, just talk to me. And if you're privately talking because you want me to go elsewhere and do something,
potato boyo
12 years ago
Yeah, I mostly do that. But usually one person drags me into a group if strangers.
12 years ago
boyo: do you even play SL ??
potato boyo
12 years ago
Limits my conversational dexterity.
12 years ago
they ask for that. I just can't understand when I'm talking with my friends and they stand silently nearby, IMing privately with me.
12 years ago
Also makes me wonder if they're basically IMing everyone, seeing which one takes the bait.
potato boyo
12 years ago
2moti don't go all weird Canadian on me. Yea I'm in SL
fixit4u says
12 years ago
if I am in a crowd I find a lot of chatting in local annoying. I im to not but others than anything else
fixit4u says
12 years ago
What really pisses me off if I am at a romantic dance place some someone is chatting in local.
12 years ago
why is that bad? it seems a social situation.
fixit4u says
12 years ago
well I view it like being at a nice place and having your date and close and tight. You and she are talking softly looking in each others
fixit4u says
12 years ago
eyes totally focused on each other. And someone talks real loud just sort of is a buzz kill. Now is I am at one of the reg clubs.
fixit4u says
12 years ago
That is totally different everyone having fun and yelling making funny noises. I am talking about SL clubs. in that case local is cool.
12 years ago
they want to say things that they dont want other people to see
12 years ago
I'm not against IM, I just wonder about people who come into an obvious social situation, and then ignore the socializing.
12 years ago
I always talk in open chat.. it maximizes the number of people I can pester at once!
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