60Friends 11Fans
female Stalking your shoes, Second life
A network goddess, find it easier to work with computers than people, but also a Pixie, which is both a description, and fair warning. Never know what direction I will go next, but know it will be fun on the journey!
Kokoro has
11 years ago 5
pouncehuggled laurasillylady Hihi and welcome to the insanity! :-)
Kokoro shares
11 years ago 8
https://images.plurk.com/45OGWpN5XUjO4shm66KV2H.jpgMe on Guild Wars 2 :-)
Kokoro says
11 years ago
Chocolate - never second place! :-) http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/fastest_growing.png
Kokoro says
11 years ago 2
here is a idiot. :-) Ebola Phone Theft: Man Steals From Quarantined Uganda Hospital Patient, Contracts Virus main.aol.com/2012/08/27/...
Kokoro wonders
11 years ago
can we use this method to separate the idiots? (Bite1) How To Separate Egg Yolks Using A Bottle (Graci In The Kitchen)(Bite1) How To Separate Egg Yolks Using A Bottle (Gr...