Worst holiday ever. I have to hover over names to figure out who people really are.
Hey Blue!
Happy Day to you too darlin'!
okay going to change my name now

not me!
oh a real Linden!

at the lowly non-Lindens.
the real Blue Linden please stand up?
doesn't have enough karma to change her name, although Life Linden would be catchy!
flirts with LifeFactory and sends her kinky IMs
happily accepts kink from the stranger Promisc(uous)
sends LF a BDSM teddy bear

Hi Blue!
LifeFactory feigns a blush...
moomoney just wait til Talk Like a Pirate day. Srsly stupid. lol
looks for smiley's with eye patches and swords...
I don't have enough karma to be a Linden, so I'm NotALinden too
those of us short on karma are WouldBeALinden
wannabe Lindens
blue should change his name to blue gossipgirl. haha
the power, and likes it!!
Linden names in this Plurk that WON'T be used by LL.......
The rest of you actually have a shot.....
And I'm still waiting for us to hire a Bacon Linden, who will be the most delicious of all Lindens
hell, we already have Pastrami Linden
actually calls dibs on Codie Linden
okay....cause I think Promisc Linden is cutting it close
and no Moo, you can't be Griefer Linden
hey its a networking term
Are you saying that Lindens are not erotic?
all Lindens are programmed to love all residents
Former Linden, Last Linden, Lost Linden, Loquatious Linden, Ludicrous Linden, Lonely Linden, Loveable Linden, Lark Linden, Love Linden
but there will be no yiffing, and I am pushing my luck by adding salacious Candy Hearts to Mia's valentines day collection
Lore Linden is a good one.
Lazy seemed so
awwww...!I am just playing...Huggable Linden.
sneaks in... WholeLotta Linden?
Hunka-Hunka Linden....

(to borrow from Hamlet's bot fetish)
I wanted to be Lindeny Linden, but settled for Blue
the logical progression is an obvious one
I want a Crap Linden, I really do...
And the well respected Linden Linden
also not an option I'll assume ;D
Linden Linden would be fun
we've got M and T....why not A Linden
Or Q or X or Z or A or B or C Linden
Tell M and T that they need imaginations, for heavens sake.
Radical Linden, Racey Linden, Rare Linden, Rapt Linden, Recourse Linden, Meta Linden, Quixotic Linden, Terra Linden, Existental Linden,
My name is Forrest, Forrest Linden, you can call me Forrest Linden
And when there are griefers, they can say Run Forrest, Run...
LOL Linden, Lark Linden, Laughable Linden,
well you know, being at the top of the alphabet means TONS of direct IMs for support...which of course most Linden can't help with
Brent and I started at the same time and realized this all too soon....
and then Adam and Altruima started and we were like YAYYYYYYY
Laughing Linden, did I say Ludicrous Linden?, Perfect Linden
and then Adam and Altruima chickened out and changed their names >_<
Ok, here is my favorite-- ZEN Linden
that's a good one yes
Yin Linden and Yang Linden
zen because he doesn't get 400 inappropriate iMs at login
or 102 completely silly and fun plurks!
Or to borrow the alias of someone.....IOBuffa Linen
insert missing d where appropriate
Linden Labs could always hire me, Sougent Linden sounds good....And it looks like I'll need a job in a few months.
I wanna be a Linden. "Delora Linden" is a great name.
despite economy, I believe we're still hiring
Alas, though my programming experience wouldn't fit, I bet I'd be a hell of a QA person.
you'd have to be better QA than me....
I'm still getting evil looks for that time I poured pepsi in the asset server to "cure lag"
Blue, that works on programmers, not computers
Everyone knows all you have to do to cure lag is to reboot..
you have an INTERNSHIP!!! That seriously rocks! Is there anyway I can do that during the summer?
hits himself on the head, of course it is summer because it says it right on the website.
and I don't know how the internships work....but I'd assume so
thought lag was all in your head?
waves at all the lindens, can I have some?
my sister-in-law is named linden in real life, haha.

at the name...I hardly recognised you Blue
I personally think LL made a very silly and unimpressive oversight regarding my applicationi for public relations.
And I admit to being completely underwhelmed by the person sent to speak with me who failed to ask a single pertinent question.
The interview felt extremely amateurish.
THat said, Life Linden is still rather catchy!