131Friends 73Fans
female Second Life, CA, United States
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
Siєƞα says
12 years ago
sometimes I wonder if I will ever go back to SL (also considering I never plurk anymore...)
Siєƞα says
14 years ago 2
Deadmau5 - Reward is WHAT THE FUCK?!  Funkagenda Mashup!!
Siєƞα says
14 years ago 1
random share, my mom wants me to cut my hair so it will be more healthy and grow a lot more because that's the law of gravity. (doh)
14 years ago 3
Siєƞα says
14 years ago
a great time saver if you reinstall/reformat your windows machine.
14 years ago 2
gets headaches from people who are technologically illiterate :-(
Siєƞα says
14 years ago 3
shitty day today :-(
Siєƞα is
14 years ago
upset one of the gifts she's giving for Christmas is lost in the mail
14 years ago
sighs, I just have the worst luck with computers these days
Siєƞα loves
14 years ago 2
holiday shopping for people :-))