Camryn has
13 years ago
a hard time loving any terrain grass besides the Botanical ones.
latest #23
Camryn says
13 years ago
most of them don't scale well when stretched out over terrain... or are unrealistic shades of green... or have way too much contrast
13 years ago
doesn't want 4-foot-long blades of grass in her yard.
13 years ago
Dolly's Daisy Grass from Heart is a good one... and I love the terrain textures from Empress & Heirophant, naturally
13 years ago
some of the ones I'm looking at are such a bright green that they make our yard look like something toxic from science fiction.
Silver likes
13 years ago
long meadow grass in both lives.
13 years ago
long meadow grass would be nice, but so many of these textures aren't meant to be long, they just look like short grass stretched out.
Silver has
13 years ago
gone surreal with my landscaping. I went nuts at Alirium. But I'm a big fan of NPIRL.
Mmw Strangelove
13 years ago
I really love the alirium collection, too. I'm super picky about grass... the botanical ones are my favorites, too, and dolly's daisies.
Eliza says
13 years ago
Alex Bader is doing terrain files now. I've not seen them on a full SIM but Alex is fussy as Hell, I imagine they are pretty good.
Max Graf says
13 years ago
give me a shout in world. I haz, can help.
Max Graf says
13 years ago
13 years ago
Max, you are the best! (cozy)
13 years ago
I do use your terrain textures a lot, by the way, especially for rocky and mountainous places :-)
13 years ago
Max is so nice, he sent me grass
Eliza says
13 years ago
yesh my pleasure ~mutes Max as well~
13 years ago
Eliza, I actually got all of Alex's terrain textures and I have been been trying them out on our sims in Littlefield
13 years ago
Some of them work very well, as long as the terrain is pretty smooth, but most of them don't stretch well on mountains...
13 years ago
and they have a little too much contrast for me. I am a huge fan of his work though, I own nearly all his textures I think
Mmw Strangelove
13 years ago
I wondered how his are. I like his textures in general - he draws them by hand in illustrator and they're lovely. Was thinking about his
Mmw Strangelove
13 years ago
darker fairy tale sets for the sim this spring but hadn't decided yet.
Venk says
13 years ago
all sound great.. I'm ready for spring now. I believe we will be changing things up again come March.
Silver wonders
13 years ago
if Alex Bader is the guy who used to date Pilgrim ages and ages ago (thinking)
Mmw Strangelove
13 years ago
doesn't know pilgrim; can't help. :-) He was in nameless with us for a little while before it all went kerflooey, though.
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