35Friends 31Fans
female Second Life, NY, United States
I get such pleasure from the creativity of others in SL. I do a little writing, building and landscaping. Walter Balazic owns my heart. I'm not really 80 years old.

The Space Between:
Camryn wonders
12 years ago 5
how to explain the difference between "eclectic" and "hodgepodge" when there is a greek temple, navajo rugs, scifi dance floor, Tudor house
Camryn was
12 years ago 1
hired to "fix" a sim that seems to be an exhibit on bad design. Pray for me. (panic)
Camryn has
12 years ago 3
Alchemy on my timeline! (dance)
Camryn shares
12 years ago 2 Ort is one of SL's best builders. Chinese Scholar's Garden I made using his buildings now on Flickr
Camryn is
12 years ago 3
putting the finishing touches on the Psycho house for our Halloween party at Littlefield
12 years ago 3
must stop learning cooking skills in Glitch... I get too hungry while playing...
12 years ago 4
How does one get in to the big Glitch SL group?
Camryn is
12 years ago 2
happy that more and more texture artists are offering extended licenses to use their work in free Opensim grids like ours (dance)
Camryn will
12 years ago 6
try to keep up more here. But doesn't want to be judged by karma.