ReneeS says
14 years ago
This has been a good birthday.
latest #12
ReneeS says
14 years ago
Presents in the morning with my kids
ReneeS says
14 years ago
Followed by a trip to Wichita with a friend to eat lunch at the place of my choice and then shopping
ReneeS says
14 years ago
Followed by a steak supper cooked by hubby
ReneeS says
14 years ago
and then trying out my new WII....birthday gift!
karlyb says
14 years ago
yeah! happy bday to you!
LinleyP says
14 years ago
Happy Birthday, Renee!! (drinking)
librarygal says
14 years ago
happy birthday :-)
cmay says
14 years ago
Glad your day was wonderful.
HowieG says
14 years ago
(dance) (dance)
StayinCooLu says
14 years ago
what a great day!
Cheryl57 says
14 years ago
(party) Happy Birthday!!!
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