280Friends 147Fans
female Detroit, MI, United States
K-8 technology teacher and new K-5 art teacher. Loves using technology in creative ways to encourage learning.

karlyb asks
12 years ago 5
My presentation and links from #MACUL "Creative APP-titude for iPad Multimedia Tools" blogs.southfieldchristia...
karlyb asks
12 years ago 5
looking for interactive websites on food/healthy eating for kids. Anyone have one they like/use?
karlyb shares
12 years ago
very beautiful creative video/stopaction creating snowflakes with various objects: Happy Holidays from Chronicle BooksHappy Holidays from Chronicle Books
karlyb says
12 years ago 10
Planning summer trip - anyone have hotel suggestions for Paris, Rome, Venice, or Florence?
karlyb was
12 years ago
making felted wool flower pins. Actually have time to do something besides schoolwork!
karlyb is
13 years ago 3
baking homemade rolls today!
karlyb shares
13 years ago
Thanksgiving Raps with Apps! (examples and directions) blogs.southfieldchristia...
karlyb says
13 years ago 3
Good Night iPad - clever and true! t.co/XlGYYAxm
karlyb says
13 years ago 6
Here is my presentation on Creativity and Collaboration using Technology from ISACS conf today: Creativity and Collaboration using TechnologyCreativity and Collaboration using Technology
karlyb says
13 years ago
My presentation is done, now to enjoy Kevin Honeycutt presenting on ArtSnacks!!!