i love you 3000
6 days ago @Edit 6 days ago
[rp] i just spent the past week and a half feverishly rereading through all my old tony threads in bete noire because he roared to the forefront of my brain recently
latest #48
and now i've finished and i'm emotionally and physically exhausted and i don't know what to do with myself
this was such an amazing game and that CR i had throughout it i still feel like has the most depth, complexities, and heart out of anything or at least most of what i've rped. this game ruined me for other games, and even though i've been like 10 years since i've read anything from it, it still hits me hard.
and this all happened because i finally started thinking about rp a bit again after a shitty shit year but it was because i was thinking of other character in a show i recently watched and like, he's exactly my type of character
so i started musing more on it and then tony was like /KICKS DOOR IN
so he's there again i guess, he never left. asshole. i love him so much. T_T
but for the curious the char that was tickling my fancy is lord viren from netflix's the dragon prince
he's a dark mage with pragmatic reasoning that veers into villainy but he feels what he does is for thee good of humanity and his family and his history is really fucked up due to his own actions and thinking of "whatever it takes"
i recommend the show, it's a great watch if you like fantasy cartoons. the final season is airing in dec i believe.
but yes he and tony are very similar in some regards
https://imgs.plurk.com/QEG/Cm3/g6zN9W4U3bZFSM87jqnUhmCeVP7_lg.jpg assholes with beards who fiercely love their kids
and are subs
BUT back to original topic yes. i loved every bit in bete noire. it did teeter off for me near the end, as these things always do, but the vast majority was so very fulfilling and thank you for anyone left on my timeline who was a part of it.
Luke Skywanker
6 days ago
Oh man. Bete Noire was the game. There was some kind of alchemy there. I totally agree.
Luke Skywanker
6 days ago
I'm still so close, family, with people I met there
dog the way jim and tony's cr evolved over the years
and yeah i've def parred down my plurk friends but some people i met there i'm still in touch with
but also nice to feel during a reread, besides all those amazing things, is the feeling that like wow i could have written that tag so much better now lol. woo improvement
6 days ago
6 days ago
(also I miss u hi)
6 days ago
same, nothing's been the same since BN
6 days ago
lies flat like a rug
corbiecore: hi i miss u 2 /squish
isadiya: /lies with
yea i gave up ever joining a game again after BN and i still honestly have no desire too. i don't feel any other game will live up to it. psls are still also v fulfilling for me though.
trying to be in a game, besides just not having the time/energy, feels like it'd be chasing after an unobtainable high.
but DAMN i do not regret that or feel bad about it because it was so amazing for me
6 days ago
i feel all of this
you are, ofc, a very very large part of what made it so epic
besides the obvious, while rereading, i rediscovered how awesome your thor was and how much of a bro he ended up being for tony
6 days ago
the eventual tyki/tony final throwdown i bawled over, both the 1v1 fight and the joyd battle later, and river gave me dad!tony before he ever a tickle in mcu canon's eye. i still cannot associate certain songs with anything but that CR/those scenes.
6 days ago
6 days ago
i also have saved all the meme threads i did over the years, so i think i'll go through those next
tony and river. i had NO idea how deep it'd grow with that first network post between them.
6 days ago
this will be cute and quirky, we said
6 days ago
not knowing
haha i said. kids and tony hanging out is one of my fav tropes in iron man things i said
i think i'd already seen firefly by that point, right?? i think i did yea
6 days ago
6 days ago
he just wanted to help her so bad
look she was smart and young and she seemed to actually want to work and ada could only work part time anyway and whoops protective instinct for the young smart girl in a shitty shitty place
also lonely but hahahaha emotions
6 days ago
also someone to call him out when he needs it
yes (haha) where's that first convo, i wanna reread it now...
lmao i forgot about the linefacing at the mindreading and i just reread his a weekish ago
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