Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
It does crack me up that Gundam Breaker 4 assumes most people are going to do the Build Fighters/Divers thing and make their own super cool version of the protagonist suits from established shows.
latest #63
6 months ago
is that not the case
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Honestly most people seem to be using the mook suits for a lot of their aesthetic bases.
i made a complete mess of a suit that had a different series for every part and it ruled
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Either people built something really unique from the various gundam bits or it was something that was aesthetically like a specific mook suit with custom paint and gear, their own ace.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Which honestly I dig both.
i wanted to try to make ocs out of the mobile doll suits and a couple others but
the game won't let you recolor those so i am instead doing weird shit
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
I've fallen firmly into the latter camp, I've got a thing I've made out of a lot of bits of the GM and related suits, with bits from other series because they look cool.
6 months ago
Zakus have always looked better
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Then build yourself a zaku?
i've definitely been toying with the idea of making a gm of some kind though
love me some mook suits whose only purpose is to get blown up
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Same honestly.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Wish there was a little more variety in Wing choices because with just the Leo, the Serpent, and the gundams it's hard to make something fun based on it.
honestly what's fucking me up most is the g gundam ones
we got shining, burning, rising, master, sure
we got bolt, rose, and dragon
but no maxter
and it's driving me insane because like. he's the only one missing.
nobel gundam is there! but not maxter.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
I did notice that and was very disappointed. I mean hell we got a Death Army, but not Maxter?
the rest of the shuffle alliance! but not maxter!
it's so fucking weird. why can't i make the complete shuffle alliance.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
I'm guessing we'll get DLC for this because of the nature of the online part of the game.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Because that and the fact that Witch From Mercury has two suit reps and thats it weirds me out.
also i'm so annoyed by how the maps that have you deal with Build Fighters Try stuff will represent fumina with the Super Fumina more than the gm cardigan
but also like
where's my star winning gundam. come on. that RULED.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
I haven't finished story mode yet but after his fight with his school bullies I was kind of hoping they'd give Tao something like that.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
That's been my complaint about story mode so far as that like if you're gonna sell me on this being a gunpla game why have none of my buddies received upgrades yet.
actually also my other complaint:
i understand why they do it. the animation cycles would be hell.
but i wish you could separate legs into left and right leg too and use different parts for them.
i wanted my Gundam Chimera to be even more horrifying than i could actually make it.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Also that whatshisname feels like two different characters mashed together. Your final story clan member, who they introduce as a relatively one-note womanizer and then you do his story mission and he's got an unrelated backstory more fleshed out than anyone else's.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Like the writing for this isn't good but it's also wildly uneven.
yeah mashima is a lot (derogatory)
i have a lot of thoughts about the story that i won't get into yet since you're not done
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
It feels like what they were going for was Mashima being a horndog flirt as part of an affectation to cover up that he did something selfless and his reward was his reputation got dragged through the mud so now he never wants to put in effort again.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
But they also decided everyone gets approximately 2.5 cutscenes to do their entire character arc in so that just got flattened down to nothing.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
See also: i have just finished the first mission of Chapter 4 and Lin still has no discernible motivation.
6 months ago
my thought on the story is that there is nothing as remotely cool as the bit in GB2 where you use your dead mentor's wing gundam arm to snipe a divinidad before it reaches earth's atmosphere
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Yeah 4 is really lowering the stakes compared to the previous entries.
6 months ago
Literally where is the fucking Winning Gundam Bandai
6 months ago
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Actually come to think of it why is 00 Diver the only post-Try Build suit to get in?
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Most the hero team and the villain's suit in Divers were pretty cool.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
And you have the base suits they're from in it already.
6 months ago
what don't you think the stalker gunpla is so funny
but also like. yeah i want winning because i want more SD parts.
and star winning is the coolest gundam ever made.
Axe Goth Real?
6 months ago
Like even if you've got to cut Real mode out.
Axe Goth Real?
5 months ago
I have a new complaint and that is that unarmed and martial arts are two different move sets for the gundams, and I think martial arts is overall more effective.
Axe Goth Real?
5 months ago
But unarmed gives me a fucking piledriver.
621st Raven
5 months ago
i swear to god i had two phases in GB4
621st Raven
5 months ago
the first was "okay no i'm going to be stuck to the Gundam Ground Type torso because it gives me a good chest vulcan"

...then I discovered Hyper Mode/Zero System
Axe Goth Real?
5 months ago
So if you max out the stats on a part you can equip the EX or OP it provides regardless of whether you have the part equipped.
Axe Goth Real?
5 months ago
So now I'm wondering if the various super modes stack. Can I have like Zero System and EXAM System and Trans-Am on at the same time?
when you use that skill, it does a cool effect that i'm not entirely sure i like
where your mech's part is replaced with a wireframe of the part that has that skill
621st Raven
5 months ago
oh, stacking super modes sounds like a fun experiment
621st Raven
5 months ago
621st Raven
5 months ago
the movement alone from that would be hilarious if they stacked
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